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You were always the target for Hogwarts bullies. Beside your normal, Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson, other students always found time to pick on you for the little things.

It was never anything too bad but you still never told anyone, you wouldn't want that sort of attention brought to you and the professors wouldn't be able to put a stop to it. Normally it only ever happened whenever you walked the halls by yourself, if you were ever surrounded by friends, no one said a word to you.

Today was different though.

You were sitting at the lunch table with Harry, Fred, Ron, and Hermione, minding your own business and laughing with the four of them as usual. When you stood up to take your plate to the bin, two ravenclaw girls splashed their pumpkin juice directly onto your uniform, laughing.

"It'll help wash all the food off of your face, pig."

They shouted real loudly but it didn't block out the laughing coming from the other tables. You stood in shock and embarrassment, pumpkin juice dripping from your uniform and hair.

"go to the bathroom and wash yourself off. Maybe you'll finally realize why you don't deserve Fred Weasley while you look in the mirror."

They walked off laughing to themselfs, joining their friends at the ravenclaw table. Everyone else was staring at you and laughing, and there was nothing you could do to drown it out, but you didn't cry or run off, you didn't turn to your friends or boyfriend for sympathy. You marched yourself over to where the were sitting and tapped on their shoulders with a small smirk.

"maybe this will teach you not to fuck with me." you grumbled before punching one of them square in the face. "That'll leave a good mark tomorrow.." you said sourly, walking off to the bathroom to clean yourself up.

You never realized Hermione had gotten up to help you until she walked in behind you with her hands folded infront of her.

"are you alright?" she asked softly, inching closer.

you took the wet paper towel you had in your hand and rubbed it over your shirt and tie, and through your hair. "yeah i'm okay mione.." you gave a small smile.

She nodded and sat on the sink next to you, "Freds waiting outside, worried but also amazed about how you took it." she stated with a faint chuckle.

"If i cried or showed how much their words actually hurt me, it would've given them exactly what they wanted, given more power over me." you explained and tried your best to scrub out the juice.

Hermione watched you intensely, "thats not going to come out.. you're gonna have to change."

You pursed your lips and nodded slowly, "or i can use a drying spell." you shrugged but Hermiones eyes quickly flickered up to you, "no! you'll get in trouble, how do you even know that spell?"

You looked at her, "well i do have the smartest witch friend ever.." you laughed and jokingly rolled your eyes, muttering a spell, watching your uniform dry up quickly. "all better." you said in relief.

Hermione hopped off of the sink and walked towards the exit, signaling you to follow her, "come on now slow poke!" she teased and walked out. You followed after her but were no sooner picked up by Fred and hugged tightly. "are you alright y/n?" he asked.

You nodded and patted his shoulder, telling him to let you down. "Fred i'm alright, i handled it. I'm not letting it get to me." your eyes flickered between both him and Hermione with a slight shrug, "yes it hurt but assholes are gonna be assholes if they're jealous."

Hermione giggled and Fred chuckled pecking your cheek and grabbing your hand, leading you back towards the great hall. "you do know you're not a pig-" he started but you quickly shut him down, not wanting to hear those words again, "yes Fred i know, can we please just get back to lunch, I need to talk to Harry about potions homework anyway."

Weasley twins x y/n Where stories live. Discover now