Part 5: Family

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   The day had finally ended. (Y/n) had had rules and instructions shoved down her throat, all to make sure she would know how to properly tend to the Mystery (S)hack. She made a mental note that those people didn't know how to simplify anything. Either way, it was getting dark, and (Y/n) had finally been able to go home, which she was grateful for. Those woods were creepy at night and made her feel like she could be in danger. It was a horrible feeling, and she didn't like being on that side of the situation.

     As soon as she stepped off of the wooden steps to the Mystery Shack, she sprinted down the dirt road and along the woodland area until she came upon a small trail that looked like nothing more than a game trail. It was much more than that, though. (Y/n) slowed down enough to catch her breath, causing some of her (h/c) hair to fall into her face since it had fallen out of place while she worked and dealt with a naggy Karen or two.

     The sun had started to set, casting the world into this blueish gray light that took over the pink sunset and finally got darker as the sun disappeared. (Y/n) groaned as she saw the large source of natural light disappear behind the black silhouettes of trees. "Oh, come on! Know what!? Fuck you, sun! I'll walk home in the dark!" She cursed out as she stuffed her hands in her pockets and started to walk along with the lame excuse of a trail. The occasional footprint in a muddy spot told her someone else had been on the trail recently, although it was a little dark to tell much from the imprint. Not that she cared much either.

     Despite her mental insistent that she didn't care who else was out there, she looked around for more marks. If anyone had seen her and asked, she probably would have said it was to make sure she wasn't mistakingly going off the trail. No one was there though.

     Suddenly (y/n) stopped. She could have sworn she heard a rustle. Maybe she was wrong. She listened some more. There it was again. The girl slowly turned to the noise as it grew louder. That's when she remembered how the footprints had looked like the person had turned around a few times and paced before going forward again, this time more spaced out. They had been running. That's when it hit her!

     No. something literally hit her.

     (Y/n) fell to the ground with a thud and tried to scream. The figure on top of them covered her mouth and let out a wicked cackle. She stopped. She knew that pathetic excuse of a laugh. In the next second, she had bit down on the person's calloused palm until they released her. "Owe! What the fuck, (Y/n)!?"

     "You shouldn't have put your hand over my mouth, Jeff!" She snapped back angrily.

     Jeff cackled and leaned back while staying on his knees. "Don't be so easy to sneak up on."

     (Y/n) scoffed and tried to sit up, which just put her and Jeff in an awkward position. "You didn't. you charged me." She shoved him off and got up.

     Jeff cackled and rolled to the side before getting up. "Details... anyway... what the fuck are you doing out this late?"

     (Y/n) shrugged as she announced she got a job. Jeff's green eye's somehow widened, and his jaw drops in shock. "You? A job? like, in town? Where?"

     "Some tourist trap called the mystery shack." The girl said to the ravenette in front of her. He started to cackle as they walked along the trail, together

     "Isn't our family enough of a tourist trap?" He joked. (Y/n) laughed. Jeff was right, though. their little family of misfits was about as iconic as the Addams family. Crazy too. Finally, the walking had subsided into running as a large building came into view. The building had been nicknamed the 'mansion' by the inhabitants.

     "Oh, hey! it's (Y/n) and Jeff." One person called, it was Toby. once he saw the (brunette's, blonde's, ginger's, etc.'s) shirt he gave her a toothy grin, a mischievous look in his brown eye. "Hey, nice shirt."

     (Y/n) laughed and returned her brother's grin. "Yeah. I kno-" The girl was cut off by another male yelling her name. In stormed a man in his mid-20s. His sideburns were legendary. "Heeeyyy, Tim... What's up?"

     The man glared at her and crossed his arms. "You stole my shirt again."

     (Y/n) looked down at herself in fake surprise. "Oh! I guess I did...."

     "Don't 'I guess I did' me!" Tim snapped. "You fucking bit-" Tim took a deep breath and pinched his nose, mumbling something about needing a smoke. He glared at (Y/n). "I want my shirt back. Now!"

     The girl shrugged, nonchalantly, as she put her hands to the top buttons, undoing the first two. A ghost of a smirk on her lips. "Fine."

     Tim gasped and grabbed the two ends of fabric, pushing them together to cover her chest. "Okay. Okay. I got it! give it back later." Jeff and Toby had been watching the whole thing and were now leaning on each other, laughing. As (Y/n) fixed her clothing, Tim continued talking. "So, where were you all day?"

     "I got a job." The shorter female announced, which caused her two brothers' jaws to drop.

     "Yeah," Jeff sighed. "I was shocked too."

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