Part 12: Tea, Guests, and Ciphers

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     (A/n: Hello, my little cult members. I Just wanted to say Hi and how I'm loving all your comments. I read every one of them! They really help me write and feel motivated. I guess I should also mention how I'm thinking of picking up another fanfic while also editing one of my older stories. If any of you would like to see something specific, feel free to mention your suggestions on my board. I can't say I'll do all of them, but perhaps you'll be able to help inspire me for something good! :3)

     (Y/n) would have loved to say she woke up feeling refreshed to the sound of birds chirping and the smell of good food coming up from the kitchen. That's not what happened. She wasn't a Disney princess or some teen girl on a sitcom. The first thing the exhausted girl heard when she was was screaming and banging. A groan escaped her lips as she sat up. She was ready to stab somebody. In fact, that's what she did. Sure, it was the photo of the face of (least liked celebrity, TV/anime villain, or CP) taped to a practice dummy that she kept in her room, but it was something. Outsiders would wonder why she has a training dummy in her room. Those who live with her would wonder why anyone would want to interfere with her personal training.

     The dummy teetered from the force of the knife being thrown into its head before finally falling with a clang against the pole she kept in the corner. The pole was the product of a joke gift that Jeff gave her after a long-running joke from early in the year. He meant to embarrass her. The poor ravenette didn't anticipate that she would use it and actually be good at it.

     The memory of what (Y/n) assumed was the start of such a strange friendship made her smile a little and calm down. She decided to hop back on the pole later today for a little acrobatics practice. For now, the girl got dressed in some clothing that was appropriate for the warm weather.

     A light knock came on (Y/n)'s door, making her snap out of her thoughts and look over at it. "Yeah?!" She called boredly.

     "Miss. Echo... It's Sally. Mr. Slendy wants you..." Her little voice rang through the door. (Y/n)'s face went a little pale. Sally was normally cheerful and happy, especially after being told to find someone for the boss. He must be pretty cross.

     "I um... yeah. One sec." (Y/n) finished lacing up her sneakers and fixing her jacket. She decided it would be best to grab her mask and stuff it in her pocket as she opened the door. "You gonna want anything if I go out on a mission?" She asked, smiling down at the girl in an attempt to calm her down.

     "Um uh..." Sally thought for a moment before smiling sadistically up at (Y/n). "I new playmate. Or... or... A lady's hand to hold my princess rings!"

     (Y/n) chuckled at her enthusiasm, shaking her head in content. "I'll see what I can do, hun." With that, (y/n) started her walk down to her boss's office. Her hand stayed stuffed in her pocket to hide how it was shaking.

     The walk down the bleak white walls felt like forever to (Y/n), despite only taking a few seconds. Her eyes stared at the dark oak of the study, praying that she would just disappear right then or wake up to find out it was all a nightmare. Had her boss finally had enough of her attitude? Did Tim complain to him about her stealing his shirts? Did he found out it was her who took the last gummy bear package? Yeah, probably the last one. She was so dead. Mustering up the biggest breath she could and trying to regain her usual cocky aura, she knocked on the door. A voice rang through her head, telling her to come in. Keeping her head down, she did so. (Y/n) prayed Slender didn't make a comment about her posture. "you... needed to see me, sir?"

     "OH HO! HO! Look who the cat dragged in!" Chirped an echoey voice that could only belong to one man. Well, if you could call him such. (Y/n) looked up in a panic and stared at the familiar blonde. What was this? their third meeting? "Don't act so surprised, darling. Me and the tall man, go way back. And seeing as you're my bridge back and forth now, I figured I would come to say hi!" Bill floated up into the air and went to lean into the startled girl's face. (Y/n) leaned back out of reflex and glanced at Slender. If he really was as angry as Sally said he was, (Y/n) was gonna be in big trouble. I all honesty, she was waiting for her boss to reach up and grab her by the neck. Bill hadn't gotten out of her face yet and was now laughing. "wow, Slender. She's sure scared of you! You do a good job keeping everyone in line."

     Slender nodded and folded his hands. "Most of the time. The fact she even made a deal with you is clear proof they still need discipline."

     Despite the man's obviously annoyed tone, Bill only laughed. "I like this one! She's got spirit. And you know what happens when spirit meets a little too many rules. CHAOS!" The man broke down in laughter, letting (Y/n) have a moment to get some personal place and get a good look at him. Nothing had changed from her dream. He was in the same yellow and black attire. His blonde hair was still a mess (in a hot way). and he still sported that cane of his.

     Slender finally got up and walked over to his books. "I think that's enough jokes. Now, I know I can not destroy the deal that you two have made, but I would like to be filled into the details of it so that I may keep (Y/n) and the rest of my family safe."

     Bill was about to say something, but (Y/n) cut him off. "It was pretty simple. My life force would act as his bridge to this dimension. The said connection can be destroyed, though. The easiest option would probably be to kill me. I'm sure there are a few people in this house that wouldn't mind doing it if you don't want to, sir."

     One could almost feel the exasperated dad vibes rolling out of the man in black. "Please tell me you got something of value out of it."

     "Well, I didn't sell my soul or anything. that's good, right?" That made Bill crack up laughing again.

     "I told you I liked this girl!" In the blink of an eye, Bill was on the other side of the room; sitting at a table that had been set for tea. The blonde graciously sipped one of the three cups. "not bad for something that isn't a margarita."

     It was (Y/n)'s turn to laugh. "You're rich..." Deciding to take a seat after her boss had returned to the table, she slowly forced herself to seem relaxed. Slender's neutral posture and nonexistent face made them extremely hard. To distract herself from the problematic position she was in, (Y/n) turned to the surroundings. Sure she had seen the neat, dark oak bookshelf in the corner and the matching desk that was stationed in the center of the wall opposite to the door a million times but it was better than small talk with a dream demon and.... whatever her boss actually was. She wondered what he would consider himself.

     "As I've said before, I will not be answering such a question," Slender answered, seemingly reading her mind, which he probably did.

     Bill snickered and sipped his tea again. "Well, aren't you moody." Slender didn't say anything else, just sipped his tea. He knew this would be a long tea time and how, if Bill Cipher was going to be around, it would be a long lifetime.

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