Part 23: Don't invite Jeff to a rescue party

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     (Y/n) didn't remember actually going up the stairs; only the feeling of wooden steps beneath her shoes and the painful feeling of her hand slowly pushing out the splinters from unsanded wood as it healed itself. Toby was the first up the stairs, slamming the door open with his shoulder as he sprinted into the light. 

     The bright sun coming in from the windows blinded the (brunette, blonde, ginger, etc) for a moment. Her eyelids scrunched tightly together, refusing to open again for a moment. Where were her shades when she needed them? (Y/n)'s back pressed against the wall as something collided with her from the front, knocking the air from her. Out of instinct, she wrapped her arms around the said object. It squirmed in her arms and screamed. The high-pitched noise finally snapped (y/n) attention from something other than her agitated retinas. They opened to look down at what was in her arms. Her mistake; who. Long brown hair was whipped from side to side as the person shook their head. Their arms had been pinned to their sides by (y/n)'s tight grip. "Mabel?"

     "LET ME GO!" She screamed in response, not giving (y/n) a second to explain or ask questions.

     (y/n) was so confused. What the fuck was going on? Oh wait, Jeff was here. Yeah. This was normal. Wait. Jeff was here?

     (y/n) looked up from the screaming girl, trying to take in the scene. Toby was preoccupied with Stan. Their hands locked together as they tried to knock the other over. One of Toby's feet was up as they repetitively kicked Dipper away. His jaw was tightly closed as he tried to repress his ticks to concentrate. Stan already had a busted lip and a black eye. If that was from Toby or Jeff, (y/n) didn't know. Either way, she wanted to laugh. Although she decided to save it for later. That was far less attention-keeping than the other duo of fighters. Ford lay on his back, a trickle of blood coming from his nose and a welt of purple by his right eye to match his twin. On top of him and pinning his arms down with their legs was a figure in a white hoodie. Long black hair hid their face from (y/n)'s view, but she didn't need to see it. It was obvious to her who it was. Mostly obvious from the dull, rusty kitchen knife they held in the air, ready to plunge into the poor man.

     "JEFF! STOP!" (Y/n) screamed, dropping poor Mabel to the ground. Papers went flying around the room, also being tossed aside as (y/n) lunged for the two men. Her body collided with Jeff's, just in time to keep the blade from going into Ford. The downside was as they tumbled together to the side from (y/n)'s momentum, (Y/n) learned she could magically become a knife block. The force of her collision had turned Jeff onto his back, directing his movement to whatever was on top of him. That being (y/n)'s shoulder. The knife then wiggled around in the wound and lodged itself deeper as the two rolled on the ground. Great, now she was going to have to get blood out of her shirt...

     A moment of silence fell over the room as (Y/n) and Jeff lay on the ground, Even Toby and Stan had stopped to look over. (Y/n) was the first to break it. "Jeff... you're dumb..." 

     Jeff's tone held a snarkier tone of defiance. (Y/n) knew his attacking would stop for the moment, but it didn't mean he was happy about it. "Whatcha mean!? I came to save your dumb a-"

     "There's children present." She warned with a monotone look. Her (e/c) eyes looked over at him in annoyance.

     "Fine, MOM." He snapped back. Neither had gotten up just yet. (Y/n) wondered what Jeff's excuse was. He wasn't the one with a knife in their shoulder.

     "Don't disrespect your mother." She scolded, making Toby snicker. The boy was no longer locking hands with the older man, opting to pick up the mess of papers. Out of the corner of their eye, (y/n) saw Mabel scoot away from him when he went to grab the pages next to her.

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