Part 8: The Man Clad in Yellow

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   Yet another day. Done and over with. (Y/n) sighed as she finished cleaning down the counter. She was already tired and wanted to go home to eat and steal the TV from BEN to watch one of her shows.

     "I can finish up, dude," Soos informed kindly. "You like, live out of town, right dude?"

     (Y/n) nodded and smiled thankfully before confirming his beliefs and grabbing her stuff. "I'll see you tomorrow, big man." She left. The (brunette, blonde, ginger, etc.) had only just gotten out of sight from the building when she suddenly bumped into someone. The girl mentally scolded herself for looking at her phone while walking as she fell to the ground. After the tiring day after work and her interrogation that morning, she couldn't muster an apologetic look or a sickeningly sweet tone in her voice. "Ooops..." The annoyed girl mumbled as she looked up at the person. They hadn't said anything. 'Oh shit, nevermind...' She thought to herself. 'This guy could bump into me any day.'

     The guy in question was a tall blonde with a strikingly charming smile. His eyes held a strange glint to them that most wouldn't recognize. (Y/n) knew it well, though. Her gave at his eyes was soon disrupted when he offered her a gloved hand. He finally spoke. "Sorry, miss. I suppose we both should be more careful."

     (Y/n) gently grabbed his hand and accepted his help up. "Um uh... yeah. yah think?" She laughed and took her hand back to rub her neck.

     The mysterious blonde looked in the direction of the shack. "The old shack that way, do you work there?"

     (Y/n) laughed softly and nodded. "yeah. Why? wanna sign up?" She let out a more genuine laugh and crossed her arms. The man glanced done at her, gently grabbed her arm, and pulled it out to look at it. This was obviously a violation of space, and (Y/n) was about to punch him in his pretty nose but paused as he spoke. "that's an... interesting tattoo. What does it mean?"

     (Y/n) blinked in pure confusion. It was just a doodle of a spiffy dollar store Illuminati. Why was everyone so hung up on it? Oh yeah, it was apparently the logo to an evil warlord of a Dorito. "Not sure and not a tat. Little brother used me as a doodle pad." She explained boredly.

     "Is that so?" The man calmly asked as he gave her a curious look. "I assume you don't know what that symbol means then co-"

     "Look, I don't know who you think you are or who you think I am, but I got shit to do and places to be. so, BYYYEEEE!" (Y/n) slipped past him and tried to hurry away.

     "See you around... Echo...." One could almost hear the smirk in his voice. The mention of the title made her go stiff as (Y/n) tried to speed away. She didn't know how he knew that name or what he wanted, and she didn't want to be around him any longer.

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