Part 16: Close Calls

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   Toby turned to stare at the fallen demon. "Is this t-torment necessary... or at least safe?..."

     (Y/n) turned to him with a bright smile before playfully nudging him. "Is anything I do for fun necessary or safe?" She challenged as she turned to face the romance god before her, leaving her demon counterpart to push himself off the ground on his own. "So... you're a god... neat."

      "I prefer the title musician nowadays, but I appreciate the recognition." Cupid gave her some thumbs-up. The girl nodded and snapped a look over at Bill.

     "At least you do things that are recognizable, Mr god musician." She stated, waiting for Bill's reaction. (Y/n) had basically called him boring. That had to get something out of him. And it did. He let out a soft growl before hanging his head.

     The action got a little sympathy from (Y/n). Sure, all this torment over just waking her up. but it was teaching him she wasn't a doormat! "Bill... didn't your little scheme last year fall apart because of some kids?.."

     Mabel raised her hand energetically. "That was me and Dipper!" She cheered, seemingly very excited to be recognized for the hard work she and her brother put into saving the world. Cupid seemed to be mentally panicking since he could see Bill's worsening mood. Even Toby took a step back to be away from the fuming demon.

     "Nice. how young were you, kiddos, when you saved the world again?"

     Dipper was the one to speak up this time, and no sooner had Dipper gave the answer and (Y/n) was about to rub it in, Bill snapped. "Yeah yeah yeah. I get it, you glorified errand girl-"

     (Y/n) head snapped so quickly over to him, her hair whipped in the current sudden. "Errand girl!?" She echoed, pissed at his choice of words. Why the fuck did he have to go for the very thing that got under her skin? Oh, right. He's a demon. "Well, at least I'm not an unoriginal child's drawing."

     The face Bill had made was enough to make Toby want to laugh, although he was worried for his sister. Sure, she could handle herself. But this need to be one step ahead of people and always have the tables in her favor was... problematic. The brunette cautiously made his way to the young twins to stand in the way of them, and the scene as the bickering escalated. Toby's shoulder jerked as he turned to Cupid, who was also trying to seek shelter. "The-they both have a lo... lot of pride." He told him, hoping he might have a solution and that his words would comfort Mabel, who looked scared.

     "I've never seen anyone go toe to toe with Bill like that," Dipper whispered.

     "he... he probably ne... never had anyone actually one... one-up him," Toby whispered back. He couldn't help but be impressed with how (Y/n) was so fearless with her vocal battle with a demon. It was even more impressive of the insults she was able to come up with and how she could look so smug as she said them.

     Bill, on the other hand, could not stand the audacity this woman had. He was a powerful dream demon, and she was making him out as some type of half-baked imp! Before anyone could tell what was going on, Bill picked up (Y/n) by the scruff of her shirt and tossed her on the ground, causing the (brunette, blonde, ginger, etc.) to let out a yelp as her butt hit the ground. She fell backward the rest of the way as Bill's boot came in contact with her chest. With a glare, she looked up at the man. His blonde hair had fallen in front of one of his eyes. His visible eye glaring down at her in hatred. "Do you even know who you're dealing with!? I'M BILL CIPHER!"

     "Do you really think I actually care?" (Y/n) muttered out as she tried to push his foot off of her. Those words made Bill's anger flared up. His hand rose as he prepared to attack her.

     (Y/n) rose her hands to protect herself as she shut her eyes. Her heart dropped in dread. Sure, she kinda deserved this, but she wasn't prepared. She didn't look pretty enough. Her last thought was how she was gonna be an ugly ghost.

     At least, that's what it would have been if the sound of breaking glass hadn't chimed through the surrounding air. Everything seemed to stop in its place as (Y/n) slowly opened her eyes. She looked up as a very stunned, sparkly pink goo-covered Bill. Some of it had even dribbled down his face, probably forcing him to swallow some. Ew. His eyes slowly widened as he seemed to be processing something.

     (Y/n) slowly sat up and looked over at the twins, Toby and Cupid. Cupid had his arm out as if he had just thrown something while the others were all staring at him in shock. Mabel was the first to speak up. "Love God... was that... one of your potions?"

     "I panicked! Okay!?" He cried as he rose his hands in the air. Bill turned to the guy as he slowly touched the back of his head. He looked at the stuff before looking up at Cupid. He seemed almost frightened by what just happened.

     At the moment of contact, Bill had been overcome with rage. He was willing to forget about the annoying little human before him to turn the one that hit him inside out. But then he felt something trickle down his face. Thinking it was just blood from whatever hit him, he flicked his tongue out. But he was left shocked by a sickeningly sweet taste that made a shiver go down his back. His eyes widened in surprise, accidentally locking onto the form of the one before him. Suddenly the sight of (Y/n) shielding herself from him left him feeling cold. His body suddenly had the urge to get on his knees and hold her close, but he fought it. She had just been doubting him and dragging his name and accomplishments through the mud. Hell, this was stuff most humans would declare were abuse if he was fragile enough to let it break him. But there he was, staring at this annoying little... princess. As soon as he realized something was wrong, he turned around. He was a demon. He had never experienced the feeling he had just been subjected to, and he was... scared. "What.... did you do to me?" He whispered out, anxiety and confusion laced through his normally confident voice.

(A/n: Hello my little cult members! Ill be trying to be a little more active since I have a prepper laptop again and it seems the writing juices are actually flowing. Horray! I'm thankful for all of you who are reading it. And I love your comments. So plz, keep commenting. It's really encouraging. Anything from questions or remarks, Hell, give me (Y/n) slander to laugh at, would yah?! XD aannyyywwaayyyy... Have a good day. -Jinx-chan.)

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