Part 10: Not all demons are as friendly as Jack-E

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   (Y/n) sat on the couch with the rest of the curious adolescents while the tall man slowly made his way into the room. It didn't take him long for his long legs to carry him over to the chair that sat untouched by the bookshelf in the corner. (Y/n) recounted the numerous times where she would see the man reading or telling a story to the younger members of the house. She, herself, had arrived at the house of misfits well past the age for bedtime stories and hugs. Finally situated in his seat, the figure spoke. "Bill Cipher. That is the name either he or the mortals have given him. The creature often depicts himself as a yellow triangle, similar to what most would classify as the all-seeing eye of the logo for the Illuminati organization."

     "When I went... um... out, the other day, some people told me he caused that half-assed apocalypse last year. Is that true?" (y/n) Inquired, nervous to admit that she had gotten a normal, mortal job.

     "You mean your job." He corrected. There wasn't much anyone could keep from the boss, even if he did try to respect their privacy. "Whatever you wish to call your outings, yes. He was the one that almost caused the end of the world. You see, Bill Cipher is a dream demon. And I'm sure a few of you will be having strange dreams tonight due to BEN's shenanigans. Especially you, Echo, since BEN drew Cipher's symbol directly onto you."

     (y/n) looked over at her pale-skinned friend from breakfast, "Damn it, Jack-E. I hate it when you end up being right." She playfully flipped him off and turned back to the man she referred to as her boss or father. "I already met him..."

     "I see..." The tall aristocratic male murmured. "all I can say is, be careful when you sleep and don't make a deal with him. I believe it would be too much to pray he hasn't shown interest in you. He can read minds so, in connection with who you have met recently and your 'double life' I highly doubt he would pass up prey so intriguing."

     "Aaaannnnddddd" (Y/n) announced as she pretended to check off a checklist. "half a dozen words off the daily word list. Now, I skipped breakfast and basically had to steal a bag of overpriced chips for lunch. Imma go eat!" With that, the (brunette, blonde, ginger, etc.) was out of the room and in the kitchen making dino nuggies. Yes, her eating habits were unhealthy. Did she care? No. Maybe that was the reason she had such a strange dream when she went to bed.

(A/n: sorry yall for the short update. I lost my train of thought at the end.)

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