Part 13: Meet My Brother.... and.... Bill

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   "Well, the tea was nice. Thank you, Cipher." Slender announced, more out of politeness than anything. Halfway through the little tea time, Bill had taken out his own tea and offered it. Being someone who strived for an almost royal-like etiquette, Slender graciously accepted. Which meant (y/n) had to as well. In the end, the tea had a weird taste to it; like someone had left Jack-E's dinner out in the sun. "What did you say it was again?"

     "OH, I didn't." Bill snickered, taking a glance at the (brunette, blonde, ginger, etc.) and only human in the room. He waited for them to take a long sip of tea. Once they had gotten past the point of being able to discreetly spit out what was in her mouth, he continued. "It's a mix of human spinal fluid and death bell. Tasty, hu!? Right, (Y/n)~"

     The younger girl's eyes widened in shock as she froze. Was she actually surprised? Not quite. Was she revolted beyond all belief and wanting nothing more than to dump the entire teapot in front of her on the man's gorgeous blonde locks? Absolutely. (Y/n) gave him a forced smile and shook her head, being completely honest.

     Bill tilted his head, pretending to be surprised. "You don't say? Oh yeah... I forgot... Humans don't really... drink humans." He flung his head back and cackled loudly, giving (Y/n) a chance to spit the contents in her mouth back out into the cup. With a deadpan look of annoyance, she turned to her boss. She didn't have to say a word. He already knew what she wanted to do.

     "Don't get any on the rug, please." He whispered back in her mind. (Y/n) smiled so wide, even Jeff would be impressed. In the next instant, Bill was yanked from his seat and pushed away from the round table. His laughter was cut short by a loud splash!

     His joy soon turned to a look of astonishment. This was not something he had expected. He was drenched with tea! (Y/n) stood before him. Her cup, hanging from her finger by its little curled handle, empty. A smug grin adorned her features. "You know... you really ought to learn how to treat a lady. If you don't, you'll only be good enough for a good night." She gave him a wink as she walked past him and out of the room.

     Slender said nothing, probably summoning one of his other proxies to assist in the clean-up. (Y/n) had made a dramatic exit. She wasn't coming back in any time soon.

     Bill was left astonished and soaked once the (brunette, blonde, ginger, etc.) was out of the room. Sure he had been messing with her to see how far she would go and how much she could take, but this was unexpected. Slowly, a grin made's its way to his lips. This was a woman who knew how to play. "Wow..." He mumbled as he used his thumb to clean off his cheek, licking it after. This one was going to be fun to break.


     Back with the lovely (Y/n), she was busy grumbling angrily about annoying blondes -which terrified BEN- and getting her shoes on to go to work.

     A white and red blob came into her peripheral vision, followed by a deep voice. "Off to work again?"

     "Yeah," She replied simply. Before she could get up, a hand was on her arm. "Jeff, you can't come. I'm POSITIVE you'll scare off customers."

     There was a soft snicker behind her. "Sorry to disappoint. You got the-"

     "Wrong grinning idiot?"

     "EXACT- HEY!!" Bill scowled angrily. Jeff was clearly offended as well, but he would take one for the team if it meant roasting someone (Y/n) clearly didn't like. Bill let out a huff and was about to keep talking, but Toby, who was sitting on the couch laughing a moment ago, spoke up.

     "She... she doesn't wan- wanna talk to y-you, dumbass. lea... leave her alone K- k-k-kpop reject." Toby glared daggers at Bill while he got up and went to (Y/n)'s side. BEN snickered before turning into a medley of colored squares. It was a similar sight to when you play old Nintendo games that become glitchy. The next second, BEN was sitting on the back of the couch, facing Bill.

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