Part 14: Don't beleive in fairy tales

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     (A/N: Sorry for the slow updates, my fellow cult members. I had a friend over this week, one I haven't been able to visit in almost a year. But now I'm back and have a question for all of y'all. If you could pick what Bill gave you as a nickname, what would it be? I'm thinking along the lines of him just picking out some key trait, symbol, or accessory that you think he would notice. Try to be universal since Y/N takes on many forms~)

     "For the last time Ford... Yes, I made a deal with the Dorito for a photo of his without a shirt. No, I'm not giving it back. Yes, I give you permission to kill me if necessary."

     "No matter how annoying she is, please don't kill her. I need her as a bridge.

     "HEY! You don't get to choose who I do and don't give permission to kill me!"

     "You're crazy!"

     "And you aren't!?"

     The Pines' family watched as the duo went between trying to explain the situation and bicker. Toby sat on the floor, occasionally talking to one of the younger twins. Mable was very excited to see such a cute boy in there, despite how much older he was.

     "So, is (Y/n) always like this?" Dipper whispered to Toby, distracting him from Mabel's rambling. After a moment of thought, he nodded. His shoulder jerked shortly after.

     "Yeah. Bu-but d-d-d-don't get me wrong, she's re-e-eally nice. One t-t-time our little sister was sad since her d-d-d-doll didn't have other dolls to "b-be her friend", so she raided an enti-ti-ti-tire sta-sta-store."

     Mabel giggled as Stan crouched down. "Wait, she stole a bunch of dolls?"

     "Yep. A-a-an enti-tire shopping car-ar-art. That's why she's not allowed in Toys-R-Us."

     Ford bellowed out in laughter from Toby's story. The sight of the older man being so jolly gave Toby a sense of comfort, and it was clear from his eyes that he was smiling under his mask. By that point (Y/n) and Bill had ceased their bickering. Mabel grinned up at (Y/n). "Toby just told us how cool you are!"

     "Theft isn't good, Mabel!" Dipper argued.

     "It is if the company is already stealing parents' money!" Stan cackled.

     Mabel ignored her brother and grunkle as she ran to (Y/n), tackling her leg in a hug. "I've always wanted a big sister. Can you be mine!?" Mabel gave the girl puppy eyes in an attempt to win her over. It wasn't actually working. (Y/n) was a stone-cold proxy! Nothing got to her. she could kill entire families if her master demanded it!

     "Stop being so edgy, Echo! Lighten up!" Bill cackled as (Y/n) glared at him for using her codename.

     (Y/n) let out a sigh and smiled down at Mabel. "Sure, kid. You can call me your sister. Just um... don't take that as an invitation to beg me to take you to the movies. I'll ask if I got time." Mabel cheered happily. The loud noise hurt (Y/n)'s ears, so she looked around the room to see what the others were doing. Stan was still laughing, this time at Mabel's sweet-talking. Dipper was trying to threaten Bill. That was kinda adorable. And Ford had his back turned to everyone like the sound of pages flipping emitted from his area. Really? Reading? Now? Well, nerds will be nerds. Maybe he's writing fanfiction.

     (Y/n)'s curiosity got the better of her, and she walked over to Ford. Before he could even register her presence, the (brunette, blonde, ginger, etc.) had the book in hand and was calmly avoiding Ford by pressing her back against his. "Whatcha got here? Oh! A Journal. Nice." She was about to make some joke about looking for secret crushes hidden in the pages but stopped short when she saw the page Ford had had open.

     Ford's journal was a leather-bound book with yellowed pages, giving it a homemade aesthetic. Tiktok artists and Facebook moms would love it. The black ink was clearly written on by hand with some type of fountain pen. The most noticeable thing about the open book was the page Ford had been updating. The title was in large wispy black letters. Below, it was a detailed drawing of a tall man with long limbs and no face. "The Slender... man?" (y/n) glanced at Toby before laughing aloud. Toby had caught her look and followed suit. "Ford... Slenderman is some stupid video character. I think you need a break from monsters and fantasy." She passed the book to Toby, who had gotten up to look the page over. Having been homeschooled most of his life, Toby was one of the best at storing information he read.

     "It's not fantasy, (Y/n)," Ford stated firmly. "Bill Cipher is clear proof my studies are real."

     "Demons, I can understand." (Y/n) tried to reason. "Video game characters with no face are another. Next, you'll be saying Sonic is real!"

     "Or the o-o-other people from that fa-an-an-andom..." Toby muttered as he flipped through the book. Once he was satisfied, the brunette shoved it back to Ford, twitched harshly.

     (Y/n) could sense his tense attitude as she arrived at his side. Her hand rested on Toby's shoulder. "Ford... Don't believe in fairy tales... it's not worth it."

     Ford was clearly flabbergasted by the teens' reaction to his journal. "But... I..."

     "Come on, Sixer, stop being like a fish. Close your mouth and let me torment my bridge." Bill spoke up before appearing besides (Y/n). He flashed his perfect grin and started to poke the poor girl's cheek. "Everyone's so tense! Let's party!"

     "NO PARTIES!" Stan practically screamed. "Not after the zombie incident."

     "You Pines are such buzzkills."

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