Part 25: So um... Questions?

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     "Byeeeeeee (Y/n)" Toby said as he clung to the girl. Although as he said that and Tim was pulling him back from the waist, he didn't seem to have any signs of leaving soon. (Y/n) laughed as she pushed on his shoulders. Bill was behind her, attempting to help pull her away from her brother.

     "How is he so strong!?" He asked. His hat was crooked on his head and his coat was starting to acquire wrinkles from all the physical work he was doing.

     Jack-E chuckled and watched on. "Toby is a... physical proxy." He said, looking to Slenderman for confirmation. the faceless man nodded.

     "Physical Proxy?" Dipper asked as he held up his notebook.

     "Proxies are separated by their specialties." (Y/n) stated, looking over at the boy with a smile. "I can tell you about all that after Tobes lets go."

     "Indeed you can." Slenderman agreed. "The Pines will be given full clearance, so you will be in charge of answering their questions (Y/n)... with that said. Tobias... let her go. It's time to go home. We can have waffles for dinner if you wish."

     Toby didn't need to hear more to let the poor girl go and rush to the door. "Heck yeah!"

    Tim groaned and mumbled under his breath, stopping in front of (Y/n) before going to the door. "If you need anything from the mansion, you can text me. I can bring it to you or have someone do it." 

     (Y/n) nodded. "As long as it ain't Jeff. He'll probably look through it for weed or something." 

     He let out a snicker and shook his head as he walked away. Jack-E was next to leave, giving (Y/n) a gentle wave in her direction. "At least you don't have to witness the horrors of breakfast for a while."

     "I know, right." She giggled and waved him off before politely nodding to her boss. "Don't worry, Boss. I know they won't disappoint."

     "They better not." He stated coldly before leading the little group back home. 

     As soon as the door was closed, (Y/n) let out a stressed whine and bent over so her hands were on her knees. "Oh my goodness that was terrifying."

     "you weren't the one that most... well... you know!" Stan scolded. Clearly, he didn't think (Y/n) had any reason to be scared.

     "We almost died!" Mabel screeched. "That makes like... A lot more times than I think is normal."

     "Well, the percentage is about a ten to twenty percent chance per person to have one in your lifetime," Ford mumbled while rubbing his neck.

     "Any you're also in Gravity Falls!" Bill chirped, putting his hands on his hips. (Y/n) was assuming he probably was to blame for most of this family's near-death experiences.

     "That aside..." (Y/n) sighed and motioned to the living room. "Wanna sit back down and ask your questions?"

     "Can you explain these proxy categories?" Dipper asked, holding his notebook close to him.

     "Sure, kiddo." (Y/n) agreed, making her way back to the living room, carefully stepping around the other members of the Pines family to get there. She let out a sigh and sat down in the chair furthest from everyone. The tensions were still high and she wanted to respect their feelings. "Let's see... first, proxy categories aren't just used for proxies, it's just called that because they were originally used for proxies." She started, feeling like she was in the middle of a high school presentation. "It's also a system used for our boss to better assign us to missions. Creepypastas tend to do their own thing for the most part unless they're seeking refuge. Remember Jeff and Jack-E? That's what they are. Creepypastas tend to be... less human looking."

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