Part 6: No BEN, I don't want to join your triangle cult

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   The night had passed moderately well, and it was finally morning. (Y/n) had been forced to return the flannel. That was a bummer, but she figured she would just steal a new one later on. For now, she was in a pair of bed shorts and a baggy shirt. The shirt was one of the other boys. Brian if she was remembering correctly. He had bought it for himself a long time ago, but the shoulders weren't wide enough. Only then did he realize it was actually a woman's shirt that had been misshelved. Being one of the only girls (Y/n) happily claimed it.

     "Heeeyyyyy." (Y/n) yawned as she walked into the kitchen. Their parental figure was busy that morning, so they had been left to tend to themselves. Having one look at the disaster in the kitchen made the (H/c) haired girl decide that breakfast wasn't that important and that skipping it would be the safest option. She also hopped that Tim could stop Toby from making coffee-flavored waffles by just dumping coffee grounds in the batter.

     "I wish I could blend in with people like you (Y/n)." Said a quiet but gruff voice from behind her. Turning around, she could tell, exactly, who it was. "You could be long gone before you-know-who gets home."

     (Y/n) laughed and nodded as she put her hands on her hips. "Yeah... lucky me... Good morning Jack-E." This caused the darkly clad male to sigh and shake his head. He always insisted he hated the nickname since it sounded like she was calling him 'Jacky.' That's why she did it, though. It brought less suspicion to her and her brothers when he was mentioned in public, and it allowed Jack himself to be reminded he was still... well... human. Somewhere.

     "By the way," He butts in. "BEN got ahold of some book that belonged in - aaannndddd never mind.... too late..." That's when (Y/n) felt something crawling or sliding on her skin. How did she not feel that earlier? She looked down to see a blond mop of hair capped off with a green hat.

     "BEN.... the fuck are you doing?" She stated boredly. He had taken a black permanent marker and had drawn something on her forearm. it wasn't the symbol from her shoulder, and she didn't like that. A closer inspection showed that it was a little triangle with an eye in the center. It reminded her of the windows at the mystery shack.

     "Hold still. just a few more details." The boy insisted. (Y/n) wasn't happy, but it was keeping the boy from staring at a screen all day. Plus, he was actually talking to a person, face to face. Letting out a huff of annoyment, she lowered her arm to let him add a few more details. Lucky, for her, those details were just a brick pattern for the bottom part of the triangle and some lashes for the eyes. That thing had better mascara than her!

     Once BEN was done, he grinned up at her. "Now, you're part of my new religion!"

     The very confused girl didn't bat an eye. "That so? What? Is Zelda not good enough anymore?"

     The boy let out a glitchy laugh and shook his head. "No way! Zelda is my queen. But this guy is a god. Look!" He took out a book and opened it to a page. It was covered in informational text and diagrams. The largest one was of the triangle but with little stick hands and legs. He was inside a circle that was then surrounded by little symbols that were boxed off to each other inside another circle. it reminded her of the zodiac wheel. (Y/n) was instantly curious about what symbol would be hers in this strange zodiac. "His name is-"

     "BEN..." (Y/n) interjected. "I don't want to be in your triangle cult."

     "AAWWEEE!!!!" He whined as he looked up into her bored eyes. He tried to give her puppy eyes and cry. "Please... just um... Think about it? You can tell me if you changed your mind tonight."

     Before she could interject or mention how she didn't even know anything about this weird being, he was out the door to doodle on other people. (Y/n) looked to Jack-E and let out a defeated sigh. "I share your opinion... Cults are fucking dumb."

     He laughed and nodded in agreement. "Yeah..." A beat of comfortable silence passed between them before Jack spoke again. "I heard you got a job in town. That right?" She nodded and let him continue to speak. "That's cool. Where do you work? Maybe I'll try to visit."

     (Y/n) chuckled and shook her head at his hollow promise. "Someplace called the Mystery Shack. I actually need to head out for work..." She rubbed her neck, sad to cut the conversation short.

     "Damn, that's disappointing." Jack groaned. He set a hand on his shoulder and gave her a pat as he walked past her to quickly get some breakfast. "Good luck. And if you meet a creepy customer, try to get their name and face... I need to stalk on food." This caused the girl's (e/c) eyes to light up with joy. It was nice knowing you had family that would go to such extremes for you.

     "Don't worry, Jack-E," She insured as she caught an apple that had been thrown her way. "I will." (Y/n) left the chaotic mess of a kitchen to go change in her room and hurry off to her lovely excuse for a job. She didn't want to dis Soos or Wendy. But she was positive she was the only one that had any real skills. But that might be the proxy complex Toby told her about.  

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