Part 20: The Garden Was Just Dandelions

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     Ford's tone, mixed with his words, caused (Y/n) to tense up. Her eyes were wide as she floundered with her words. Thoughts raced through her mind, just slightly too fast for her to grasp and pull together into something coherent. The (brunette, blonde, ginger, etc) tried to subconsciously focus on the room as the panic started to set in, but it only made it worse. The dim lights and lack of windows reminded her how trapped she was as the smell of mildew and mold made her stomach churn. (Y/n) speculated she would throw up if she didn't get back upstairs. Alas, Ford's hold wasn't loosening as she forced out a nervous laugh and squirmed about. 

     "Oh damn... you guys are like... actually crazy..." (Y/n) forced out. Her own words hurt her. The girl didn't mean that, and the look on Wendy and Dipper's faces shot cold sadness through her like ice. Why did this family have to stick their noses into everything? (Y/n) pressed on, shaking her body side to side in a subtle way to try and get Ford to let go. Maybe she would be able to get out of this situation and no one would get hurt. "I should have never come here. Y'all are jus-"

     "Dipper, grab my knife off the table." Ford cut in, his gaze never leaving the one in front of him.

     Ford's request made everyone collectively uneasy, especially Dipper. "Wha-what?!" The said boy asked, sweat seemingly already forming on his forehead. 

     "Dipper!" Ford insisted glanced over his shoulder.  "I'm not going to kill her or anything, I just need to break the seal on her shoulder. It will sever the-"

     "You're not laying a hand on it."  (Y/n) snapped, cutting off Ford's speech. The overwhelming want to cut his tongue off came to her mind, making her chuckle. 'Here we go.'

     The girl's head fell forward, covering her face in hair. A dark aura seemed to fill the room. The pang of fear grasped everyone in the room in some sense. The dark, dingy room now felt suffocating and frightening.

     A giggle echoed, bouncing off the walls. Soon another followed until the room was filled with this insane laughter.

     Taken by fear, Ford's grip softened on (Y/n). In the next second, he was shoved across the room, almost knocking into Wendy as he fell. His back hit the table, making the wooden structure break and fall beneath his weight. The laughter was yet to cease as heavy footfalls started to come from upstairs.

     (Y/n) went over to Ford, standing in front of him. She slowly leaned down, taking up a blurry poloid photo. The girl glared angrily at it. It hadn't taken her long to recognize the person in it. It was her brother, Masky. She remembered that night. It was a nice fall evening. Masky, Hoodie, and herself were out patrolling. The three of them ended up finding a few campers who had gotten lost. Horribly, one had a camera and got a photo of Masky before he could give chase. (Y/n) could have sworn the camera and photo had both been destroyed. Without a second thought, she ripped the photo into as many as she could before letting the pieces fall to the ground like misshapen confetti. "I told you to stop digging, Six. I warned you." She snapped, glaring down at the older man.

     Before anything else could be done, another voice broke the intense vibe in the basement. "Are any of you coming back to work or all you playing that nerd game down here?" In the doorframe was Stan in his usual business suit. His arms were crossed and he leaned on a door frame. It only took a moment for him to finally see the situation. His brother, on the ground, sitting on a broken table. The mysterious girl he newly hired standing over him with the remains of a photo at her feet. The worst part about the situation was Mable hiding behind her brother's figure, looking at the girl she had once admired with such fear. Stan turned to glare at (Y/n), demanding a response.

     (Y/n) turned to face him, about to give him a snarky response. But before she could do so, the (brunette, blonde, ginger, etc) felt something collide with the back of her head. I loud gasp escaped her as she fell forward onto her knees. The sides of her vision started to go black. There was a pain in the back of her head, but it wasn't the typical headache. No. This was something she had felt only a few times before. The sad reality that her healing factor didn't work well against a blunt head attack soon dawned on her. Her body crumped forward, making her cheek hit against the hard stone of the floor. 

     The last thing that came to her mind, was how she was so gonna need a party night with Jeff after this with plenty of stiff drinks. Maybe Jack-E would join in.

     Wendy panted as she looked down at the figure on the ground before her. Her arms were still up in the post swing of a batter as she held the metal pipe she used to knock (Y/n) out. She started to shake a little. The ginger's actions were solely based on instinct. "Oh god... I didn't kill her, did I?" She asked, panic in her voice. 

     Ford slowly moved to the unconscious teen, setting a hand on her neck. "No. She's breathing. You didn't kill her." He wouldn't be telling her how he would be thinking she was a hero if she had, though. "Quick, let's get her tied down. Stanly, where are Bill and that boy."

     "Toby? He's still out cold. From the bags under his eyes, I don't think he sleeps." Stan replied before accounting how he last saw Bill watching over the sleeping brunette. Wendy got to tying (y/n) to a nearby chair as Ford went to retrieve the sleeping Toby.

     Up the stairs, Bill sat in a chair, a book in his hand. He read it with the boredest expression one could muster. This book was awfully boring to him and he wished (y/n) would come back so he could bother her. He would even be okay with her throwing tea in his face again. Bill paused, his blond hair bouncing slightly as he shook his head. No.

     Bill stood, starting to walk down one of the hallways of the shack. He couldn't go soft, even if she was- no. He wouldn't admit that. These were just feeling being forced upon him. The man slid into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. He just needed a moment to remind himself of who he was and why he was here. He's incapable of feeling. He was only a cold-hearted demon. Right?

     A golden eye shined back at him as he stared into the mirror. It glared at him with anger. "You aren't human. You don't feel things." He demanded himself as if that would make the thought of the (brunette, blonde, ginger, etc) stop making his stomach flutter. It didn't.

     Some time passed. Bill couldn't tell how much. It didn't matter to him anyway. He was thinking of important things that required his attention. Like world domination, and deer teeth, and how to keep the Pines out of the way, and (Y/n)- wait. He let out a groan and set his forehead against the cool glass of the bathroom mirror, slowly closing his eyes. This was becoming bothersome. He couldn't stop thinking about her. 

     BIll heard rustling from the living room. He guessed Toby was finally waking up. "guess I gotta go chat with problem child one..." He mumbled as he slowly pushed off of the mirror. The cold feeling from the glass lingered on his forehead until he rubbed it gently. Once he was back in the living room, something felt off. There was something missing. He looked to the couch, where he had left Toby. His face was blank as he stared at the empty couch for a solid minute until it finally broke into an agitated grimace. How could he lose an entire person!? He spoke to himself in an annoyed whisper. "(Y/n) is gonna kill me when she finds out."

(A/N: Hello my little cult members! I was gonna say something but I forgot... oh well. lmao)

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