Part 7: The truth about BEN's triangle cult.

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   "Um, (Y/n)? What's that on your arm?"

     That was the first thing she heard when the workers and residents of the Mystery Shack saw she was there working. At first, she had thought it had been a scratch from a branch since she sprinted down the trail and through some woods to get there on time. It was very likely since she had decided to go with a tank top and jeans that day since it was hot. But when she examined her arm, she wasn't greeted with any blood or red splotches. Just the little Dorito god BEN drew on her. 'Maybe they want to join BEN's cult...' She mused to herself silently. "The triangle fellow? Just some dude my um... little brother found in one of my dad's books."

     "Your father's books, eh?" A deep masculine voice said just out of (Y/n)'s range of sight. The voice was honestly pretty attractive. She looked over at the man. It looked like Stan had dressed up as a space cowboy. Oh god, that meant she called Stan's voice attractive. Ew! She was about to say something, but Stan cut her off. "I know what you're thinking, no. I am not Stanley in a costume. I am Stanford, Stan's brother, but you may fall me, Ford."

     Suddenly (Y/n) felt like she was dealing with her 'father'. She quickly bowed her head in a slight bow before looking back up at him. "Pleasure to meet you, Ford."

     Ford chuckled and walked over. "No need to be so formal, kiddo!" He ruffled her hair before turning to look at the doodle. "You said your little brother found this being in your father's books?"

     (Y/n) saw nothing wrong with the situation, so she nodded. "Yeah. I think it's the first time I've seen that boy do anything other than stare at a screen or pi- drive someone crazy." She remembered there were children present and refrained from her usual speak. "What? Wanna join his little cult? Don't worry about dedicating yourself. It'll probably be disbanded in like a week after he realizes you can't pretend that chips are gods." That made one of the twins laugh, probably Mable. Ford gave (Y/n) a thoughtful look before looking down at the twins. They seemed to be sharing some type of silent debate that (Y/n) was obviously not invited to.

     The very lose (brunette, blonde, ginger, etc.) turned to Wender and Soos for assistance, but they seemed to be in the same boat. Finally, (Y/n) gave up and went back to cleaning the counters. "Look, y'all are clearly hiding something. Don't try to hide it either. Trust me, I know secrets." She shot the group a cold glare, almost daring them to try and deny it. They didn't, and Dipper finally spoke up.

     "(Y/n), I don't know if you'll believe me, but um... that triangle dude... he's real. His name is Bill Cipher." Dipper took her blank expression as that she didn't believe him. He started to speak again, but she cut him off.

     "You talking about that end of the world stuff? Yeah... um... My folks stayed inside and just kinda hunkered down. So that's what caused me to miss the final of my favorite show! Remind me to slug him if we ever meet." (Y/n) seemed to be the only one that thought that was funny.

     "Let's hope they you never have to." Ford mused crossly. "(Y/n), I need you to talk some sense into your brother. He's playing with things a little boy should not be. And your father... I can only pray that he's not being tric-"

     "He's not." (Y/n) accidentally snapped. The only person that was allowed to badmouth that man was her and her siblings. He was their savior, and they would protect him as he protected them.

     The old man seemed quite shocked by the mood change but didn't question it. "If you insist... But swear you'll talk to your brother about Bill and how dangerous he is."

     "Yeah yeah, Six. I will." (Y/n) sighed as she moved from behind the counter to help Stan with some boxes. She was getting annoyed by all this complaining and nagging.

     "E-excuse me?" Ford asked, clearly caught off guard. He glanced at Dipper to see if he was thinking the same thing as him. Dipper kept his eyes locked into (y/n) back until she turned to address Ford.

     "Your hand." She responded quickly, trying not to offend him. Her hair fell into her face as she set the box in its respective place. "Sorry, is that a touchy thing?"

     "No... Just um... the last person to refer to me by my abnormally... was Bill."

    "Well, the Illuminati knock-off had good taste in nicknames."

    A beat of silence passed as (Y/n) worked. Everyone else in the room either stared at her in shock or mumbled amongst each other. A loud crash broke the awkwardness, and (Y/n) held her foot. It took are her will not to cuss in front of the kids. A single whispered observation that Mable had expressed to her twin caught the teen off guard. "Hey, look at the funny tattoo on her back."

    Wendy ran to her side. "Woah, man! You alright?" She helped the (h/c) haired girl to a chair so she wouldn't hop around.

     "Yeah," She replied with a grunt. "Nothing broken." That was a lie. She knew it was a lie from the throbbing ache in her foot that made her want to cry, but she didn't need anyone rushing her to the hospital for no reason. Mable took this time to run up to (Y/n) and try to get a peek at her back. "You know, kid, playing with someone's shirt is mighty rude." It came out a little harsher than she meant it, but the little brunette still got the message and backed off.

     (Y/n) let out a guilty sigh and gave her an equally guilty look. "Sorry, Mable... Um... what were you looking for?"

     Mable tapped her feet back and forth as she stuttered. "I um... saw you're really cool tattoo... What does it mean?"

     (y/n) stuttered for a moment and finally laughed it off. "Tip of advice kid, don't get high and get a band tattoo." 

     That seemed to satisfy Mable and she ran off, dragging Dipper with her.

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