Part 18: The Garden Needs Weeding

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     The trek back was quiet and tense. Even Bill remained quiet. Halfway back, (Y/n) decided that love god was being far too slow and they were losing too much light, so she took it upon herself to carry Toby on her back like a toddler having a piggyback ride. Dipper had been the only one to protest that since she "clearly needed to rest her hand." That was soon brushed off as (Y/n) insisted she would be fine and no one else spoke up to defend Dipper's claim.

     Mabel stuck to Dipper's side as he lead them back. Love God took up the rear since he was still tired and explained he was just tagging along so he didn't get lost in the dark on his way back to town to find his camper. That left (Y/n) with Toby on her back and Bill to take up the middle. Bill seemed to rotate between helping her from falling over roots and letting branches hit her in the face as he held them back until the last minute. (Y/n) only spared him the occasional glare until they finally got into the clearing of the Mystery Shack. 

     The sight of the crumbling building seemed the relieve everyone. Civilization at last.

     "Well, this is where I bounce guys, girls, and gems!" Love god announced, taking his leave. A prolonged look at the shack showed even a blind man how terrified he was of the wreck. (Y/n) didn't blame that look too. If she had a normal life span, she wouldn't want to step foot in there either. 

     Not even bidding their friend goodbye, Mabel dragged her brother inside. The (brunette, blonde, ginger, etc) assumed they must be tired from the eventful day and just wanted to go tell their uncles about the events. At least that meant less explanation on her end.

     Unknown to her, Mabel had started to quickly explain the events she had seen in the woods after she went to help the older girl. "I'm telling you Dipper, I don't think she's human. And I don't mean like a fairy to something!" She snapped as she occasionally looked out the window to make sure the one she was talking about was out of earshot.

     "Who isn't human?" Asked their grunkle Ford as he entered, speaking before Dipper could call Mabel crazy. 

     "(Y/n)!" Mabel responded, once again cutting Dipper off. "She let herself get bit, but it was healed before I could even look it over!"

     Ford was quiet for a moment, contemplating this new knowledge. Pushing up his glasses, he motioned for the twins to follow. "Stanly, I'm borrowing the twins. Actually, I would like to borrow Miss. Wendy as well. I need to ask her some questions."

     The redhead looked up as her name was called. Why would Ford want to talk to her of all people? Maybe survival strategy cross-references? Before Stan could protest, she was already leaving the counter and following behind the twins as they followed Ford to his lab below the shack. 

     The cool room was barely lit and smelt of mildew and... something else. Even Ford was yet to place it. Large machines blinked occasionally in the dark and a lamp rested on a desk, lighting up the papers below it with a yellow glow. Once they were all stationed in the large basement, with its cool stone walls, Ford turned to face the adolescents. His arms were crossed and his face unreadable. "Wendy, I'm going to ask some questions. Then, I need you to hear Mabel's story. After I offer my hypothesis, I shall repeat my questions. Understood?"

     Wendy nodded, not seeing anything wrong with that, although, she was still very confused.

     "First, before meeting (Y/n) officially, had you ever seen her in Gravity Falls?"

     Wendy shook her head. "No. I actually thought it was kinda weird. Heck, even my dad remembered occasionally seeing you around town when you were still a hermit that barely showed his face." She laughed softly. Her hand reached for the back of her neck, scratching it lightly.

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