Part 17: Suspicion Grows Like Wildflowers

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     "what did you do to me?"

     The words stuck to (Y/n). Why was he suddenly so frightened? What was the stuff that had been thrown at Bill? When could she go back to find a donut shop? All very important questions.

     In the time it had taken to get up, Bill was already holding the collar of Love God's shirt and all but throttling him.

     "What was I supposed to do!?" The poor god cried out. Bill's face was red with anger. The effect of the potion scared him and he honestly thought he was going to die. In his fit, he shoved the pudgy man backward, almost knocking him into Dipper and Mabel. Toby quickly scooped them into his arms and jumped out of the way. The teen gave his sister a glance, telling her she had to either do something or it was time to leave.

     "Can someone tell me what the ffffff-frick is going on!?" She screamed.

     "Love god hit Bill with a love potion and now he loves you!" Mabel called back. Her legs kicked around as she held onto Toby's arm. A smile was plastered on her face at the idea of such chaotic romance.

     (Y/n) grimaced in disgust. This didn't sound plausible. Love potions weren't real. Right? They were something that Sally makes out of grape juice and glitter for her fantasy games. But, she didn't think dream demons were a thing either. "Why'd you go and do that?"

     "You were gonna die dude-ette!" Love god screamed, trying to keep Bill off of him. (Y/n) rolled her eyes at the pitiful man before walking over and grabbing Bill by the hair. She pulled him off as she spoke. "God damn it, Bill. Don't kill the hippy man." She noticed how Bill bit his lip and closed his visible eye at the hair pulling, but dismissed it.

     "Don't tell me what to do!" Bill shot back, managing to open his eye to glare at him. He couldn't manage to put the feeling behind it. These new emotions were sickening. He wanted them gone. What if his henchmaniacs saw him like this?

     "Well, I'm gonna anyway." She declared, hauling him to his feet and brushing him off. The spiffy man needed to stay spiffy. Bill had to look away as she did what she wanted. He had been telling himself he would just kill her when he had gotten what he needed and then he would start another Weirdmageddon. But now her bossy and aggravating behavior was kinda cute. He couldn't help but wonder if she liked deer teeth.

     Toby was still holding the kids. He refused to let them go during the chaos. Seeing (Y/n) finally take control of Bill though, he took a needed rest. His ticks were getting worse by the moment due to the turmoil. Mable kept her eyes on him, worried about how his head would twitch to the side and how he narrowly smacked Dipper across the back of the head when his shoulder jerked upward.

     Dipper was also worried, but more about Bill's newfound emotions. He had just become so much more unpredictable. He watched as (y/n) lightly bopped the top of Bill's head, almost knocking his hat over. He thought that would have been the end of her, but Bill just hung his head a little. He also could have sworn he saw Bill blushing!

     The young boy turned to his twin, demanding that she see this. He had to hold off his discovery though when he saw Mable trying to ease the older brunette. Toby was holding his head and trying to take deep breaths. "Uhhh... (y/n)?" He called.

     The sound of her name made the (brunette, blonde, ginger, etc) girl look over. (y/n) was about to make some remark on interrupting ladies when she saw the state of her brother. All that escaped her lips was a gasp before she was running over to ease her brother down from his state. "Toby. Tobes. Hey. Look at me, Tobias." She demanded. This was the first time that anyone else in the clearing had seen her so serious.

     Toby did as he was told, looking up at the girl before him. Without thinking, (y/n) look off his face mask. She had been right, he was biting his lip in a vain attempt to calm himself. It was now bleeding. I curse escaped her lips before she got him to open her mouth. With nothing to keep him from closing it again, she used her wrist to at least stop him from digging down on his own flesh.

     In the years of training, (y/n) and the other proxies had learned that Toby didn't heal like the others. At least not as effectively. Perhaps it was from being so hurt when he was taken in, or maybe it was from ALWAYS being hurt in little ways that slowed it down. (Y/n) thought it was because of his CIPA. The disease kept him from feeling any pain, so perhaps it interrupted the magic voodoo stuff from working right. It made sense in her mind. Vood magic heals. Toby doesn't know he needs healing because the body isn't speaking up. So voodoo magic doesn't know either. Toby flinched as he fought the urge to bite down again. "Easy Toby. breath." The girl insisted, speaking softly.

     The others in the glade watched this with a strange fascination. As soon as blood made itself known, the love god turned away to keep from puking. Dipper and Mabel were both shocked, and probably traumatized once more. It was a surprise to anyone that knew them how much trauma those twins could take. 

     A moment of silence, where the only signs of time passing were the gentle cooes from (Y/n) and the heavy breathing from her brother, passed. No one dared intervene for what felt like forever. That was until an unlikely person stepped towards the teo siblings. Bill kneeled behind Toby, setting his hands over the struggling boy's ears. "Rest, Tics."

     With that Toby's brown eyes closed and he slipped forward. Before he could hit the ground, (Y/n) moved closer and set his head on her shoulder. Her eyes glared at Bill, demanding an explanation to his actions before she killed him. 

     "Easy Echo. Don't you remember? I'm a dream demon. He's just asleep." Bill responded, only making eye contact for a second before turning to the shaking love god. As he demanded for him to either carry the sleeping boy or charm some animal into carrying him, Mabel ran to (Y/n)'s side. She had seen the blood and pulled out some emergency ribbon to act as a bandage. She was startled though when after she yanked the said (brunette, blonde, ginger, etc.)'s arm, there was nothing there but blood and perfectly unharmed skin. A chuckle left the older girl as she pulled her hand back, taking the ribbon in Mabel's hand with it. Mabel watched as she carefully, almost skillfully, wrapped up the perfectly fine wrist. After she was done, (Y/n) brought her hand to her mouth, holding up a hand to gently sush her as she gave the young and confused girl a wink.

     Mabel was suddenly filled with an overwhelming feeling. One that was simular to when she had to deal with Gideon's antics the year prior or her imagination convinced her that there was a horrifying creature in her closet. She stepped back as the person before her stood, holding her wrist like she was favoring it. (y/n) was a liar, Mabel realized. And magical. She scurried back to her brother, clinging to his arm despite his protests. "W-We should take Toby to Ford. You know, to make sure Bill didn't do anything."

     She was relieved when her brother nodded in agreement. "(y/n) should clean that bite too. Good thing you keep ribbon on you, Mabel."

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