Part 22: Help me! Help! Me!

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     Bill stared up at the ceiling while he lay on his back. His mind was racing and his heart pounding. He was freaking out and he couldn't even figure out why. Was it because (y/n) was down there and he couldn't help her? Probably. Bill was slowly coming to terms with these emotions. The blonde quickly sat back up, his mouth open to speak, but was never given the chance. A voice from somewhere in the room spoke up. "It's fine, Bill!" It was (y/n)! His heart did a strange flutter feeling at her reassurance, even if it was all fake.

     "Just relax... How about you go have some of that weird tea of yours!" She insisted.

     Bill pouted slightly. Why must she still be a brat about his taste in tea? At least his buddy Slender didn't complain. Wait. Bill looked at the doorway for a second. Is this what she wanted? The demon clambered to his feet, looking away from the basement.

     "It won't be a very fun tea party without you, darling," Bill called out, trying to hide his worry with a bored tone. Hopefully, it worked. With a snap of his fingers, the world around him shimmered and contorted. The wooden walls of the shack started to pale into a boring off-white. the hardwood floors beneath his boots meshed into a thin carpet that was probably as soft as the wood prior. Bill only stood for a moment longer until he was rushing down the hallway.

     Anxiety gripped his mind, narrowing his focus to the only thought of getting to the office as fast as possible. His shoulder collided with another's. Bill didn't even mumble a sorry, he was in a hurry! He couldn't be bothered with formalities right now. Hell, his hat could fall off right now and he'd probably leave it.

     But of course, luck had to be against him once more. The person reached out, digging their overgrown nails into his jacket sleeve. "Hey!" they snapped. The figure's voice was deep and raspy. Probably too much whiskey and not enough water.

     Wanting to be let go as soon as possible, Bill snapped his gaze at the stupid (most likely) human holding him back. "What!?" The blonde returned with as much venom. Golden eyes met green ones as Bill glared at the pale face of Jeff.

     Jeff was quiet for a second, processing the sight of his sister's boy toy. If he was here, where was she? Shouldn't she be nearby? It wouldn't be unlike her to have ditched him though. But (Y/n) didn't normally go for that tactic. It was easier for her to drive people crazier when she could be with them. "Where's (Y/n)?"

     The ravenette watched the demon before him tense and how his eyes seemed to lose the initial anger. He couldn't help but wonder if Bill was gonna cry. It made Jeff feel uneasy. Why would Bill be upset at the mention of her whereabouts? The demon cut him off before he could continue his interrogation. "The Pines! The fucking Pines!" He screamed before dwindling off in a stream of incoherent declarations about how horrible that family was and how infuriated he was with how they treated (Y/n).

     To say Jeff was confused was an understatement. He took a moment to stare at the normally coolheaded, at least from what he saw, and flamboyant demon until it clicked for him. The ravenette let Bill's arm go, telling him to hurry up and get the boss. The teen didn't bother to explain himself as he stormed off, hands in his blood-stained hoodie. He had places to be' thankfully for him, he was dressed for work already.

     (Y/n) sighed as she sat in her chair, legs crossed and boredly staring at Ford. He was so calm now. It bothered her. She couldn't help but wonder what he knew that she didn't. "daddy or mommy issues?" the (brunette, blonde, ginger, etc) asked out of the blue.

     The older man's eyes widened a little, taken aback by the question. "Pardon?"

     (Y/n) shrugged, acting as if she didn't see what was so wrong with her statement. "What? I wanna know where this... obsessiveness came from. My bet is mommy issues. Matches with Stan's daddy issues." The rope against her skin burned at this point. Her nails felt like they had broken long ago. She was sure both were red with blood at this point.

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