Part 24: The Cousin Pines

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(Not me writing down a list of whos in this scene because I literally forgot Bill existed when I started this.)

     Slenderman walked past (Y/n) and out of the tree line without another word. (Y/n) didn't watch him after that, she merely took a deep breath and leaned forward to set her hands on her knees. "Oh my goodness I thought I was gonna die."

     "I'm surprised you aren't." Spoke up the one with a mask that dragged her out here. He was in the middle of shifting his mask to the side. After he had succeeded in balancing the white sheet of plastic off to the side, he pulled out a pack of cigarettes. The gentle shake of the man's hands didn't go unnoticed by (Y/n), although she avoided mentioning it for now.

     "Tim..." (Y/n) spoke. Although as she started, her words died out. 

     Tim rose an eyebrow, looking down at the young girl next to him. The tears that were forming in her eyes made his heart hurt. Why did she have to be so caring? Things could have gone so smoothly if they had just killed them all, right? He let out a long, exasperated sigh as he reached out for her, pulling her away from Bill in the process but he didn't really care about the pouting demon. (Y/n) didn't fight him as he pressed her head against his chest. His fingers gently ran through her hair to ease her. "Oh for fucks sake... take a breath. They ain't gonna die..." He insisted, attempting to soothe the girl as the tension finally let her emotions bubble over.

     The moment was cut short by the gentle rustle of leaves. The brittle husks of life crunched like plastic bags in the wind. "(Y/n)... this is an um... an interesting place of work." Spoke the deep voice of Jack-E.

     She let out a laugh, pushing Tim away as she pushed her palm against her cheek. She had had her moment. Now it was time to pull it together. "It's trashy. Don't beat around the bush, Jack." 

     (Y/n) Shook her arms, mentally shoving away the bad feelings so that she could move on. Her lips formed into a cocky grin as she tilted her head and turned to the masked demon.

     "Well, I wouldn't want to be rude..." Jack-E insisted, rubbing his neck. 

     "Let me then." Tim offered, causing Bill to snicker as he pulled (Y/n) closer to him again. It was like he still expected her to be in danger. Tim held out his hand, tapping his finger as a few gray ashes fell to the ground. A thread of smoke rose from the spot, dancing in the gentle summer breeze of the day. He moved his boot over the source, slowly rubbing the spot with his toe. "Place looks like a shit show and I'm suing them for possibly endangering an employee."

     "Isn't that extreme Tim?" Jack-E asked, carefully pulling his hood closer to him as the trio moved towards the building. The door was still open and it was strangely silent. (Y/n) hoped Slenderman hadn't scared them so badly they were frozen in place. 

     "He's got a point, Tim." (Y/n) added, hopping up the stairs with a childlike attitude before ducking into the building. She took a moment to look around. Jeff was pouting in the corner, probably mad he couldn't make someone "go to sleep". Mabel had calmed down enough to not be screaming and crying, but she hid behind Stan who honestly just looked pissed. Slenderman was almost munched in half to fit into the house, he quietly stood by Stan and Ford, most likely using his abilities to explain the situation.

     "Would you two quit ganging up on me!" Tim scolded as he followed suit through the door. He took one look around the room before taking another drag of his cigarette. That was before he noticed the two children staring at him. "Don't smoke kids. It's bad for you."

     He proceeded to take another drag once he finished releasing the last one. (Y/n) snickered and made her way over to the knocked-over desk, starting to lift it up.  It was heavier than it looked though, and ask bulky as a counter would be, so it just slid up against the wall. She let out a yelp as her feet fell out behind her and she almost hit her face against the wood.

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