Part 21: This is not how interrogations work!

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     (Y/n)'s head spun as she slowly awoke. The dim room made her already blurry vision even worse. A soft groan left her throat as she tried to lift her head. A splitting headache made that difficult so she went to raise her hand to rub it. Something was keeping them behind her. Was she laying on them? No. She was sitting up. (Y/n) yanked her arm, resulting in a stinging pain around her wrist. The girl let out a soft hiss as a few strands of her hair fell into her face. Next to her was another soft groan, this one deeper and not from her. (Y/n) glanced over to see who made the noise. "Toby?"

     Hearing his name, Toby lifted his head and turned it to who was addressing him. "Oh... Hi... hi (Y/n). Uhhhh... why are we... we tied up?"

     (y/n) shrugged her shoulders the best she could. "Seem's Ford is smarter than we thought. I might have overreacted...."

    Toby looked at her with a very fed-up expression. Clearly, this wasn't the first time something like this had happened because his sister had "overreacted". "Like, pizza m-mart overrea-acted or when a... a Karen insisted you shouldn't ta-take the last M&M packet-ket overreacted." 

     (Y/n) laughed at the memories of both incidences. 

     The first one was when she had taken BEN and Sally to a pizza place for a fun outing. In reality, she was only taking them out because Slender was out and she didn't feel like cooking. But no matter the reason, she had taken them out and let them run around the play area while they waited for the pizza. Apparently, the manager must have thought that she was older or BEN and Sally were younger because he kept asking if her kids were always so well behaved and if their father was proud. 

     Apparently having a girl laugh at him and tell him the leave her alone wasn't to his liking. Needless to say, things escalated and their pizza was to go. Not that Sally or BEN minded. they got to play in the park while they ate.

     The other time was a simple misunderstanding of an older lady insisting she should have the last packet of M&M since "You need to watch what you eat when you're young." That is the story of how (Y/n) was kindly escorted out of a mall by a very attractive mall cop.

     "I dunno what you're talking about." She retorted, grinning widely at him. Toby rolled his eyes, smiling slightly back before (y/n) continued. "But um... yeah... Ford was digging... he got ahold of some stuff I guess we never destroyed. He um... almost broke my seal."

     Toby's eyes went wide, finally understanding the outburst. "He d-didn't, did he?" He asked, his head jerking to the side.

     The (brunette, blonde, ginger, etc) shook her head before footsteps approached. Both prisoners looked up at the approaching figure, the glint of glasses shinning off the figure's face.  (Y/n) and Toby glared at them. (y/n) was the first to pull from the glare, turning to a sarcastic forced smile as she greeted the person. "Hey-ya, six. Nice seeing yah. Now, how about you let us go and no one needs to get hurt."

     Ford stepped back. "Are you seriously threatening me? While you're tied up?!"

     "She's n-not the sharpest t-tool in the... the shed." 

     "Nope! Wait-"

     Before (y/n) could defend herself, Toby was cackling. Behind Ford, another person was laughing, probably Stan, until someone nudged them.

     "Look, all I'm saying is it isn't safe to keep us here. Tobes, how long did we say we were gonna be gone?"

     Toby shrugged, leaning back in his seat. 

     The girl stared blankly at her brother. Why must she do all the talking? Her head still hurts! "How helpful."

     "I know, right?" He responded with a cocky grin. The mask that had been on his face must have been taken off of him while they slept since she could see it in full view.

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