Part 9: Daddy's Home

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   The exasperated girl let out a yell as she entered the door, jumping a few of her family members. (Y/n) rested her tired body on one of the old walls. Most of, if not all, the wall's bluish-white wallpaper had begun to peel in various spots, leaving way for the dark wood bellow to be clearly visible. One of the people in the room, in particular, looked over at her. "what?" The gruff voice asked, "A creep try to touch you?" This made a few of the other older members stiffen. They were clearly ready to kill somebody and make it look like a bear attack.

     "No... worse." She grumbled, pushing herself off the wall and letting herself collapse onto the couch. She rested her head on the ravenette's lap. "There was this guy... don't get me wrong, he was cute and a total gentleman-" The male started to run his hand through her hair as he nodded. It was almost impossible to know what he was thinking behind that Cheshire smile. "He knew my name, though. And I'm not talking about (Y/n) (L/n). I mean Echo." Jeff's eyes somehow widened as he looked down at her, mentally asking her how. (Y/n) shook her head. "No idea... I never mentioned anything about it or here... He just seemed weirdly interested in me and the doodle BEN forced onto my arm and then.... then... Oh shit. BEN!"

     BEN threw his DS into the air when he practically jumped out of his skin. He was only across the room and clearly didn't think the yelling was necessary. "Dude. I'm right here. What do you want? I have a monument to my new god to get back to."

     (Y/n) wasn't amused. "I need to know... can your little Dorito god... change forms?"

     BEN shrugged. "I dunno... probably. He would probably look like a three-piece, though." That was all (Y/n) needed to hear. She started to laugh, either it is from amusement or nerves.

     "(Y/n)?" Jeff asked, lifting his hand off her head as she sat up. The uneasy feeling clearly visible on his pale features. He looked at the blonde across from him. BEN shared the same expression as his black eyes slowly went dull with fear. Usually, when most people laughed like that in that house, someone was going to be attacked.

     "I... I'm good... just.... fuck. I think I just met your idol, BEN." She snorted and rested against the couch again.

     BEN didn't think this was fair at all and demanded to know every little thing about the man she met. No one stopped him since the others that had heard of her outings and had seen BEN's rabies-fueled rampages were equally interested in what the girl had to say about the man. One of which was the other teen girl, Natalie, or Clocky as some would call her, who shared (y/n)'s taste in men.

     "Okay, okay. Guys! Shut up!" She took a deep breath before starting. "So, I start running home, right? Well, I knock into someone. So obviously, I'm ready to throw hands-" This made Jeff laugh and say something like: "That's my girl" before (Y/n) could continue.- "Shut up!... anyway! So I look up at the guy... and I see this fucking aristocrat looking banana man-" (Y/n) was interrupted again, this time by Jack-E.

     "Wait, I thought you said he was attractive?" He asked.

     "Oh yeah, he was. He just had a lot of yellow on him. and black. But mostly yellow."

     "The question is, could he pull it off?" Clocky asked, making Toby, who was next to her, whine. Both girls laughed before proceeding to give him head pats to make him feel better about his appearance and to help with the fact Clocky wasn't paying attention to him.

     (Y/n) got back to her story. "To answer your question, yes. Yes, he pulled it off really well." She proceeded to tell them about how interested he was in her tattoo and how she used the typical excuses when someone asks them about their family. "But then as I'm trying to get away, he says some weird thing like "see you around, Echo" It was really weird." The teen had raised her hands for the spooky emphasis and lowered them again to demonstrate how flabergasted she was.

     "Defetnally seems weird," Jack-E mumbled.

     "Dude totally needs to be taught a lesson about turning down the creepy vibe," Clocky added as she leaned on Toby.

     "Are you fairing alright, (Y/n)?" Toby asked as he wrapped his arms around Clocky.

     "I can't believe (Y/n) got to meet my god!" BEN fanboyed.

     "Bill Cipher is not a god." A deep voice resonated through the heads of those in the conversation. The very sound of the voice sent chills down even the strongest of spines.

     "Oh... Hello, boss." Tim said calmly. "Care to fill us in on the cult BEN has been trying to push on us?" BEN visibly gulped from being called out.

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