Part 11: Dream or Nightmare

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     (Y/n) was subjected to quite the dream once she forced herself to stop staring at her phone and go to bed. It started with her sitting on the kitchen table in the mansion. It was pitch black outside the window, and everything other than her and the table looked out of focus. Why was she in the mansion? No idea. Why couldn't she see outside? Also, no clue. Did she need glasses? Not that she knew off. Why was she on the table? The girl also didn't know. All she did know was that if her boss saw her, she would be dead. "Quoting the great Slendy man himself, Tables are for glasses, not asses~" She hummed to herself as she slid off the table. Her bare feet reached out to break her small fall to the ground, but the cold wood floor never hit her feet. She looked up to watch as the kitchen shot upward, and she was left in total darkness. The dissociative effect of the lack of surroundings left her feeling disorientated and confused.

     "Well, this is fucking great." (Y/n) mumbled as she looked around, trying to find a wall. After a minute of fruitless labor, she had gotten bored and decided to just spin around in her lightless prison, humming sea shanties she had learned from a very drunk Jeff. This lead to her being very sick and taking a moment to stop herself from the seemingly endless array of cartwheels. The feeling of falling without a change of scenery didn't do anything better than the cartwheels.

     "FOR FUCKS SAKE!" The exasperated (brunette, blonde, ginger, etc.) snapped as she harshly moved her hips, making her spin horizontally. Instead of continuing like that, she was stopped. For the first time in 10 minutes, her body came in contact with something. The object that had hit her side to stop her spinning was a long thin rod. At least that's what she thought since she had instinctually closed her eyes as soon as she came in contact with the object. (Y/n) forced her hand away from her chest and slid it down to the object to grab ahold of it. She was right about the object being thin and long. Her thumb rubbed against it, the smooth waxed surface making it resist movement with the pressure that she was exserting.

     "My, a handsy one, aren't you." A chipper, masculine voice mused. At the sound of another, (Y/n)'s eyes snapped over and stared at the figure. It was a large, floating triangle. Or maybe it was falling too. Either way, the presence of this thing was creepy.

     "Who the fuck let a 5-year-old redraw the Illuminati sign?" (y/n) asked, still clinging to the one thing she had contact with something that wouldn't give her a headache. The figure seemed to almost glow against the black surroundings with its bright yellow color. (y/n) also realized the thing she was holding onto was its cane. Apparently, it was a spiffy triangle.

     The triangle let out a bellowing laugh, making its body grow and shrink in size a little. That was something (Y/n) could have gone without seeing. "Wow (Y/n)! You're a real joker. See, I was worried you would be just another annoying little human since you've been hanging with the Pines, but maybe I was-" (Y/n) had gotten annoyed by his annoying rant and poked his giant eye.

     "Shut it, Dorito Man. Take me back to the table!" (Y/n) had accidentally let go of the cane and was slowly spinning again. During this slow turn, she realized who the triangle figure was, but there was something more important on her mind. "fuuuuuuck... I want cake..."

     This made the triangle stop complaining about his eye and start laughing. "Wow, kid. you're either really confident in yourself or really stupid!"

     (Y/n)'s eyes glared into the triangle's single eye. Yes, she knew his name but would be mentally referring to him as "The Triangle" since he was, in fact, a spiffy triangle and not an attractive blonde man. "Why not both?" She suggested as she continued to stare in annoyance. (Y/n) really wanted that cake.

     The triangle somehow bent slightly, as if bending at the waist, to be eye to... eyes with the girl. It was silent for a moment. (y/n) couldn't tell what it was doing, but she didn't trust it, especially with that non-blinking eye. Her glare hardened as if challenging it. The triangle didn't say a word, only brought up one of its hands and snapped its "fingers". In the next moment, there was a bright flash of light, which made (Y/n) cover her eyes and fall backward, going into a backflip type of spinning. The cane that had stopped her first spiral was there to pull her back, but this time it wasn't the triangle that was holding it. It was Bill. The human version, at least. A smirk was plastered on the man's face as his bright golden eyes shined brighter than the gold on his tailcoat.

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