Part 4: More and More and More People

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     (A/n: I apologize, readers, on the week I was supposed to update, the internet stopped working. That's why you should pay your bills children, now that the holidays are practically over, I'm back. thank you for being patient. :3)

     (Y/n) blinked as she walked off to follow Wendy. Stan said that Wendy would teach her how to deal with the gift shop. She didn't know how likely it was that that was actually gonna get done. When (Y/n) found Wendy, she was spazzing to a larger man with a question mark shirt about how (Y/n) just went toe-to-toe with Stan. The big man gasped and looked almost horrified. "What!? Dude! The dude must be like... a god or something!"

     (Y/n) chuckled and shook her head as she stepped into view. "Far off, man," She said. It was true, too. Anyone that called (Y/n) a god, heavenly, or even good was about as wrong as saying Satan likes the cold.

     The big man gasped. "A ninja!" he concluded. (Y/n) laughed.

     "(Y/n)," Wendy stated. "This is Soos. he's kinda the... Co-owner of The Mystery Shack. Stan travels most of the year with his brother but comes back home in the summer to watch over his niece and nephew."

     (Y/n) smiled softly. The idea of someone so brute looking having a soft side was adorable. "Well, isn't that adorable. Hey, does that mean I'll be meeting these said kids next? They live here, right?"

     Wendy nodded. "they're twins. Dipper and Mabel."

     (Y/n) gave the redhead a very alarmed look as her (E/c) eyes widened a little. She proceeded to whisper to herself. "Who the hell name's their kid Dipper?"

     "Not a name. just a nickname." A young, boyish voice from behind the girl informed. The sudden noise started the (brunette, blonde, ginger, etc.) and made her spin around. Before her; was a small brunette boy in shorts, a T-shirt, and a blue vest. He was in the middle of reading a newspaper.

     (Y/n) blinked and stared in alarm before speaking up. "Oh! um... sorry. I didn't mean any offense. Honestly, I've heard way worse." She insisted, trying to amend for her unintentional insult.

     The little boy looked up at her, about to tell her it was fine and to just drop it, but paused. Before he could say anything, (Y/n) spoke up, "So um... you read newspapers? Is the wifi here really that bad?" She laughed.

     This seemed to distract him, and he laughed back. "Kinda... I actually like reading though. and since the jou-... um... the other books I used to read are gone... I've resorted to a crappy newspaper."

     (Y/n) continued the laughter before patting his head. "Well, nice meeting you, kid. I'm (y/n). and if I can find any cool books, I'll send them your way."

     Dipper smiled at the older girl. "That would be great!" Before they could talk more, a girl version of Dipper ran in.

     (Y/n) turned to the girl with a dull look. if she were expected to deal with a million people a day, she might not be cut out for it. "And this is..... Mabel?"

     The girl gasped and looked up at (Y/n) in amazement. "Woooaaaahhhhh!!! How did you guess."

     This made (Y/n) smirk and put a hand on her hip. "I'm magic."

     "Like a magical fairy princess witch that rules over the kingdom of unicorns and dragons!?!?" Mabel asked excitedly.

     This sent (Y/n) for a spin. This would send any sensible person for a spin. And like any sensible person, (Y/n) gave a very sensible answer. "Totally. But don't forget the scary monsters that act as my unholy army." Mabel seemed satisfied by this, but something told the (h/c) haired girl this wouldn't be the last she would be asked of her 'magical kingdom'. Luckily, that wasn't now since (y/n) had some training to do.

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