❤️Inosuke × Reader "A tough man, can be a soft man."

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(👆that's how I imagined Inosuke as a ten year old or something, so don't be confused why his muscles vanished-
Plus I don't know how to draw muscles so :'/)

Aye gois.

I lived and I'm sorry for that-

Oop :0



WELP. HAPPY NEW YEAR BISHES ✨✨💕✨♥️✨♥️💓♥️♥️💖♥️💞♥️♥️✨✨♥️♥️💓♥️💖♥️💖♥️💓

So before we start the story
How are you guys?
Did y'all like the gifts I gave y'all? :D
Well either way I still love u-

So tsk...

I know I said that I should make more gender neutral reader one shots, but I suddenly thought of this and it's a very bad timing (._. )

I PROMISE I will make more gender neutral reader one shots after this one ;D

This is a sequel of the Child!Inosuke × Child!Reader "A helping hand" One shot :D

💖Slight Fluff💖
Very long one shot :'/

(This story is based on Episodes 11-15:
Most of the storyline and plot belongs to
Koyoharu Gotōge)
(Script used is from the english dub and some bits of the sub)

Enjoy reading✨


Your POV

5 years ago...

It's been four years since I've been friends with that boar weirdo.

I've been bringing him some rice balls every time I visit him, and he's been teaching me how to defend myself ever since. Not to mention he'd always show off how insanely strong he is and really well-trained. He even flexed how he killed a fish and even presented it to me.

He'll always yell at me and insult me for committing minor mistakes, which I find amusing and annoying at the same time.

I always call him 'Ino-chan' to tease him, and he'd always whine and tell me to stop calling him that.

And did I listened to him?

Welp, I didn't.

During the years of us being friends. He seems to be more flustered and shy whenever I'm around and I'd always tease him about it, and he'll obviously deny his own flustered states.


"Ohayo Inosuke!"

"...O-Ohayo (Y/n).."

"Eh? Why are you red again?"

"HUH?! I'M NOT!"

"Aw you're flustered, Ino-chan~!"

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