❤️Yoshiteru × Reader "A loyal idiot."

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(crap, I just realized how big Yoshiteru's grin is-)

I'm so freaking sorry for the instant manga spoiler ;-;

(I'm also sorry for the slow updates. Online classes are "torture and can go suck a jellyfish." get da reference?)

Anime Onlys:

I'm sorry to spoil this

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I'm sorry to spoil this... But this is actually the sequal of Demon Slayer. Ya know... Where they show the characters' reincarnation/descendants in the modern times :'D

If y'all don't know who Yoshiteru is. He is Zenitsu's and Nezuko's great-grandson

Again, I'm so sorry for the manga spoiler, I couldn't help myself-
I know a majority of y'all are not interested in this guy, but I'll make it up to y'all in the next one shot.


I know it's not christmas yet, but *THROWS A CHRISTMAS TREE AT UR FACE*

2020 can finally rest from it's chaotic plans and let papa 2021 handle us, but please in the mother of God have mercy on us ;-;

(Also... Your great-grandpa is Giyu :3)

(I think I should make more gender neutral reader one shots after this one :'D)



3rd Person's POV

Modern time...
At Tokyo...

"Mom! We're going now!" A (H/c) haired girl yelled as she put on her shoes and opened the front door.

"Don't forget your lunch!" The girl's mother called as she hands a younger boy a (F/c) lunch box.

"Give this to Onee-chan, ok?" The mother instructed.

"Ok." The raven haired boy said as he grabs the lunch box from his mother and ran up to his elder sister.

"Your lunch box, Nee-chan." The girl's younger brother offered her lunch box.

"Ah. Thank you, Giichi." (Y/n) thanked as she took the lunch box from him and ruffled his hair. Making the said name; Giichi whine as he fixed his hair.

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