❤️Demon!Zenitsu × Reader × Tanjiro "Two Heroes, One Girl"

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This is a sequel to the
Demon!Zenitsu × Reader "Yup, She loves me." one shot.

Also... Thank you for reading 38k times, Consider this as a special UwU.

💞 Love Triangle 💞

(This story is based on Episodes 11-14:
Most of the storyline and plot belongs to
Koyoharu Gotōge)


3rd Person's POV

Tanjiro and (Y/n) along with their box and basket over their shoulders, they arrived to their destination to get greeted by a big, old house.

"What's that...?" Tanjiro muttered to himself as he stopped in front of the building while (Y/n) followed and stopped beside him.

"...I can smell blood.." Tanjiro said, looking up at the house.

"Huh...? You smell blood..?" (Y/n) hesitantly asked, looking at Tanjiro who is still observing the house.

He hummed and nodded, then said:

"Yes, but this particular scent... Is something I haven't smell before." Tanjiro explained, looking back at (Y/n).

"Mm... I don't really smell blood, but I could sense that there are three living humans inside somehow..." (Y/n) explained.

"Huh? Three humans? How could you tell?" Tanjiro asked, slanting his brows looking interested to (Y/n)'s sense of mind.

"I-I don't know, Something just tells me..." (Y/n) answered, scratching her neck, Tanjiro just nodded to the (H/c) haired girl with the same expression when he suddenly saw something in the corner of his eye.

(Y/n) followed Tanjiro's stare, and it leads to two kids hugging each other under the trees, flinching when they suddenly caught the two teenagers' gazes.

"Kids...?" (Y/n) mumbled.

"I wonder what's wrong..." Tanjiro said.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Tanjiro asked, approaching them making the two younger siblings to step back with their wide gold eyes that reminded (Y/n) of Zenitsu's eyes...
(Plot twist, they are Reader's and Zenitsu's children- jk, jk please don't kill me-)

The siblings didn't answer them, and just look at them with their shivering voice looking traumatized, as Tanjiro got onto one knee to match the children's height.

"Chu! Chu!" a bird suddenly tweeted as Tanjiro and (Y/n) look over their shoulder to see a sparrow standing on the basket that (Y/n) has been carrying, she reached a hand out to the bird and it flies on top of her soft hands.

"Aw... Look! Look! A Sparrow! Isn't it cute?" (Y/n) cheered, approaching the kids under the shade, front bending her back and showed her hand, revealing the happy looking sparrow that seems to be cheering the kids.

"Chu! Chu!" The sparrow tweeted while flapping it's wings on the air cheerfully.

Tanjiro just looked at the bird on (Y/n)'s hand and looked up to see her bright smile, trying to cheer up the kids.

Demon Slayer X Reader ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now