❤️Tokito Twins × Reader "Love Letters"

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This is requested by lonely_person1
I'm sorry if I changed up the story a bit

Writer's block hit me so hard...

!Minor Manga Spoiler!


Your POV

Middle School: 2nd Year

Sigh... Monday has returned, it would be better if it didn't...

...As soon as I finished eating my bowl of cereal, I placed the bowl in the sink and kissed my mother goodbye, who is making coffee for herself.

"Bye mom!" I bid as I swing my bag over my shoulder and hold my little brother's hand.

"Bye sweetheart! Don't come home late!" My mother bid back, waving her hands, I waved back, as well as my brother.

I put my shoes on as my sibling did the same, as we left the house, closing the door behind us.

We walked down the wet path, still holding my brother's tiny hand.

It rained last night, so there's puddles everywhere, my brother jumped on a puddle, splattering liquids on my socks.

"Hey, don't jump on puddles bro, you'll get wet!" I scolded as I saw my brother's school at the distance.

I stopped infront of the gate, as my brother waved his hands goodbye, as I did the same.

He ran inside the building, as I continue to walk down the path to my own school...

...as I saw the school gates, I suddenly felt warm arms wrapping around my waist, I looked over my shoulder to see Muichiro, snuggling his head on my back, his arms still around my figure.

"Good morning Muichiro-kun!" I greeted, as I pat his head, causing him to bury his head further.

"Good morning (Y/n)-chan!" A familiar voice greeted from behind, I looked to my right to see Tanjiro walking with his sister and his squad.

"Good morning Tanjiro-senpai!" I greeted back, Muichiro suddenly let go of my waist, and look down at the ground.

"Are you ok Muichiro?-"

"I'm gonna go to my classroom now... See you at lunch..." Muichiro interrupted, as he speed up his walking and went inside the building, leaving me confuse.

I just shook my head as I went inside the building, I opened my locker and changed my shoes that the school provided us to wear.

As soon as I closed my locker, I met a familiar frowning face, I turn to meet gazes with Muichiro's twin, noticing tints of red dusting his cheeks.

"Good morning Yui-kun!" I greeted, with a smile Yuuichiro gasp and suddenly smacked my shoulder, as his face got even more red.

I yelp out of pain, as I rubbed my shoulder, comforting the stinging feeling of the punch he gave me.

"Stop calling me Yui, idiot!" Yuuichiro shouted, pointing directly at my face, like... Really directly, he's literally about to poke my eye out.

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