❤️×Child!Reader .3. "The youngest"

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I was planning to continue this series in manga form.. because I thought it will look cool, but then I lost motivation to draw, and I realized I can't edit it if it's a picture..

So we're going in Writing form...

But I'm still showing some of the 'manga' that I drew..

Still the usual Right to left Manga...

!Manga Spoilers!

Your POV

I slowly opened my eyes to hear the birds chirping through the window next to my bed, I wasn't very comfortable in my position as I sleep, I couldn't move around because of my sprained ankle that should be healing by now, yet I still couldn't walk properly...

...I weakly sit up and opened the left curtain of my window, as the sun rays shine at my face.

All of a sudden I heard a knock on the door, I looked to my right to see the door sliding open, to reveal Shinobu-san with a tray of Miso Soup, my favorite!
(Thank you FrostyWinterWolf for suggesting the Miso soup!)

"Good morning My little butterfly!" Shinobu greeted, as she slide the door close behind her and laid the tray of the hot soup on my bed side table, as she pulled out a chair next to my bed

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"Good morning My little butterfly!" Shinobu greeted, as she slide the door close behind her and laid the tray of the hot soup on my bed side table, as she pulled out a chair next to my bed.

"O-oh! Good morning Shinobu-san!" I greeted back, as she sat on the chair and patted my head, making me giggle.

"So how are you feeling?" Shinobu asked, resting her gentle hand on my shoulder.

"I'm doing great! But my legs are still lazy to walk..." I answered, Looking down at my blanket.

"Please recover quick my little butterfly, everyone is worried about you." Shinobu said, looking at me with her scary yet pretty eyes.

Wow, everyone is worried about me? I feel so good when she said that! I mean, I'm totally fine, My Onii-sama's experience more than I did.

"Really? They're worried?" I asked, making sure Shinobu-san isn't lying.

"Mhm! Everyone panicked when they heard that you snuck out with the boys on the way to the train, mostly Tomioka-san and Kanroji-san..." Shinobu explained, really? Everyone? Even Sanemi?

"Even Shi-nazugawa-san..?" I asked, struggling to say The wind pillar's last name, Shinobu lift her pointy finger to her chin and hummed.

"Hmmm... Yes, including him." Shinobu answered, as she smiled at me, I was satisfied by the answer as I giggle, clapping my hands.

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