❤️Child!Tanjiro × Demon!Child!Reader "Night Meet up."

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This is requested once again by toxicSeel

Y'all really like Tanjiro so much huh? Well... I'm not that surprised...

Oh, and why is this book have a lot of Child!reader one shots? Well... Because I like brother and sister stories, They have so much fluff, and I luv fluff...

And finally, by this request, we now no longer call it a sibling relationship...

💦 Young Love 💦

3rd Person's POV

A family of four, living under the same roof, on the foot of a mountain.
(This was before their four younger siblings were born..)

The father watched his two children play outside, as the children laugh and jump around.

"Nezuko! You have a leaf on your hair!" The burgundy haired boy said, pointing his little finger at his little sister's head.

"a leaf?" The black haired girl gasped shaking her head, trying to get the leaf off of her head.

The leaf then fall off from her head and looked at it blankly, Tanjiro picked up the leaf and turn to his sister, they glance at the plant, and turn to meet each other's eyes, and laughed.

Suddenly, Tanjiro's nose twitched, sensing something, unexplainable, let's just say, it doesn't smell human.

Tanjiro turn to his left, following the scent, it's coming from the bush.

"What's wrong Onii-chan?" Nezuko asked, still smiling.
Tanjiro yelp, and turn to his sister and hold Nezuko's tiny hand.

"N-nothing, let's go back inside now..! It's getting dark anyway..!" Tanjiro said, going back inside their house, holding his little sisters hand.

The father noticed them coming towards him and asked:

"Done playing? Dinner isn't ready yet.." The father asked looking at his two kids, with a questioning face.

"Uh.. papa.. there's.." Tanjiro paused, as he glance at his sister, then at the rustling bush.

"There's what Tanjiro..?" His father asked, tilting his head, Tanjiro just shakes his head and said:

"Nothing..! Can we play inside instead?" Tanjiro asked, looking at his father excitedly, forgetting about the smell coming from the bush.

"Yeah! Can we Papa?" Nezuko asked as well.

"Don't ask me, ask your mama..!" The father said, pointing at his wife, who is now cooking dinner.

"Mama! Can we play inside?" Tanjiro asked, hugging his mother's legs, as Nezuko does the same.

"Oh? Why not outside?" The mother asked, looking down on her children.

"Onii-chan is scared of a bush!" Nezuko teased.

"Hey! That's not nice!" Tanjiro exclaimed, pouting at his sister, making Nezuko laugh.

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