❤️Sanemi × Kanroji!Reader "it's just 3 words"

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This is requested by EULSIERS

Enjoy (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Italic with parentheses = Author's Message

Btw, You're 18 years old.

3rd Person's POV

The white haired hashira looked straight at the path before him, passing by the crowds.

Since the hashira doesn't bother to get out of the crowds way, the people just walk pass him, making sure not to bump into the certain white head.

Except one girl.

The girl was too busy eating her dango, that she didn't notice the wind hashira walking by.

In result, they made contact with their shoulders roughly, making the hashira annoyed, he looked over his shoulder in annoyance, ready to scold off the girl who pissed him off.

"Watch where you're going lady!-"
Sanemi choked on his own words when he saw the girl slowly turn her back, revealing her beautiful green to (E/c) sparkling orbs, as the lighting of the lanterns sparkled her soft looking lips, and her half braided (H/c) hair.

"I'm so sorry!" The girl apologize, As she bow to the hashira, She then look at the back fabric of the pillar's white cardigan/hoari, recognizing the black kanji symbol that reads 'Kill'.

"A demon slayer..." The girl muttered, as she looked up at the tall hashira, and smirked, making the white haired guy flinch at the sudden expression.

The girl then nodded and turn on her heel and left on her own path, Sanemi just looked at her one last time and violently shook his head.

'Ok, what the h*ll was that..?'
Sanemi thought to himself, as he shook off his own question, and went on his way, knowing that was just a one time thing.

Little did he know, that they met again...


"Hey everyone! I want to introduce my little sister! Her name is (Y/n), And she's going to be my Tsuguko!" The love pillar introduced to the other pillars.

Mitsuri laid her hands on her little sister's shoulder, showing them her new Tsuguko.

No one really reacted that much, but they were glad to meet you, though a certain spikey white head's already wide eyes widen even more to see the girl that he met last night.

(Y/n) noticed this and made eye contact with the wind pillar and winked, sending really chilly chills down the pillar's whole body.

"Hello Kanroji (Y/n)-chan! My name is Kocho Shinobu, I'm the insect pillar, the other pillars will introduce their selves later, please make yourself at home!"


(Y/n) peeked through the window of the love pillar's estate, to see Sanemi, sitting alone, sharpening his sword with a rock.

(Y/n) approuched her elder sister, sitting on a table, who finished more than ten bowls, and now eating another.

"Nee-san! Can I go outside for a bit?" (Y/n) asked, folding her fingers in her palm to a fist, in excitement.

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