❤️Giyu × Demon!Kamado!Reader "Admit it."

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What if:
You are part of the Kamado family, but you're the one that turn into a demon, and Tanjiro and Nezuko became Demon Slayers...

Italic with parentheses: Author's Message


ote: You can decide an age for Y/n, but the limit of the age is 17-25, to not make things weird with the relationship of Giyu and Y/n.

(And yes I am aware that age didn't matter in the past, but we still gotta have some limits so that no one can get uncomfortable.)


3rd Person's POV

(Y/n) Kamado, is the sunshine of the family, to make it simple, she's like a mix of her two teenage siblings.

Tanjiro and Nezuko.

(Y/n) got Nezuko's appearance, she's caring, she got Tanjiro's determined personality, and the three are both selfless.

(Now onto the story ùwú)


Tanjiro and Nezuko are now on their way home, from selling coals and satisfied from their rest.

Nezuko went along with his brother, so that she could accompany him, while (Y/n) help their mother from taking care of their siblings.

When they're close to home, Tanjiro suddenly smelled a metallic scent, which he already knew, it wasn't some sort of metal...

... It's blood.

"O-onii-chan..? What's wrong?" Nezuko asked, looking at her brother worriedly.

"I-I... Could smell... Blood.." Tanjiro answered.

without letting his little sister say a word, he grabbed Nezuko's hand, and started running.

Nezuko was confused, and her feeling of worries increased when his brother said that he smelled blood.

They arrived at their home, to get greeted by terror.

They saw their sister (Y/n), laying unconsciously on the snow, protecting their little brother, covered in blood.

"(Y/N)!" The two siblings called worriedly, dropping their things as they hurriedly approached the unconscious bodies.

Nezuko shakes (Y/n) softly, trying to wake her up, along with her little brother, Tanjiro looked inside the house, to see the rest of his family laying on a pool of blood, while looking at him with their dead eyes.

Tanjiro gasp softly and could feel his warm tears falling onto his cheeks, Their family were just laughing and smiling yesterday, now... They're like this..



Tanjiro carried (Y/n) onto his back, while Nezuko helped him fight through the snow.

"HOLD ON TIGHT (Y/N)! WE'RE GOING TO GET YOU CURED!" Tanjiro shouted, concentrating on moving faster, Nezuko patted (Y/n)'s head softly, desperately trying to wake her up.

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