❤️Child!Inosuke × Child!Reader "A helping hand"

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This is requested by Armani_the_clown

This request is actually inspired by the Child!Tanjiro one shot, so I'll try to make things different if y'all don't mind...

(Btw, thank u for reading this book 13k times, y'all r awesome ( ˘ ³˘)♥)

You both are 7 years old.

(M/Y/n) = Miss pronounced name

💦Young Love💦

3rd Person's POV

"Mama! Can I go outside and pick some flowers?" The little girl asked to her mother and father who are making lunch together.

"Huh? Dear, it's raining outside, what about you wait until the rain stops?" The mother pointed out, as she look down at her daughter, who is hugging her legs.

"B-but I saw a beautiful looking flower bloom! And I want to get it for you Moma and Popa!" The little girl begged, as she showed her famous puppy dog eyes, that can hypnotize literally anyone.

Her parents 'aww'd as they both patted their daughter's head.

"Fine, you can go, but bring an umbrella ok? Oh and Papa is coming with you." The mother instructed, (Y/n) giggled happily, as she thanked her mother and grabbed her father's hand.

"Come on, Let's go get an umbrella." The father said, looking down at his daughter with a smile.


The father and daughter are now outside, picking out some flowers in their garden, with their umbrellas.

(Again, y'all live on the foot of the mountain.)

(Y/n) founds the flower that she was looking for, and pick it out, but the roots of the flower decided to come along too, but she didn't mind.

Suddenly, she heard a rustle behind the tree's, and she swore that she saw a shadowy figure passed by.

"P-popa!" (Y/n) called, still looking at the dark path of trees before her.

"What is it (N/n)? Are you done picking?" The father asked.

"....Can I go to the pond? I want to see the frogs!" (Y/n) said, jumping at her spot, trying to act like she saw nothing.

"Oh, do you want me to come with you?"

"No, it's not that far anyway!"

"Ok, but if you got lost, just shout ok?"


After (Y/n) asked permission, she walked inside the forest with her umbrella, trying to remember where the pond is.

She suddenly heard a splash coming from the direction she was going to.

She speed up her walking, which eventually turn into jog.

She made it to the pond to get greeted by frogs, who are sitting on the lily pads, letting the rain touch their slimy skin.

(Y/n) approuched the pond, as the frogs looked at the little girl.

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