❤️Demon!Zenitsu × Reader "Yup, She loves me"

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Since Demon Zenitsu had the most votes, it's time for the moment of truth... Ladies and... Uhmm Gentlemen?

May I present...
Demon Thunder Boi!

Your POV

(Night Time)

"SoUtH-WeSt! SoUtH-WeSt! ThE nExT pLaCe YoU nEeD tO gO iS sOuTh-WeSt!" My kasugai crow announced, as he flew around me, with his (F/c) scarf around his feathery throat.

I continued walking down my path as I adjusted the bandages around my wounds from my last mission, it was quite painful, but I managed.

The crow suddenly landed on my shoulders roughly, which cause me to stumble on my path, but I kept my balance.

"What the?!-" I exclaimed, as the crow keep flapping his wings at my face.

"NoTiCe Me WiTh My BeAuTiFuL (F/c) ScArF!" The crow demanded.

Ever since I gave him that (F/c) fabric, he couldn't help but be hype about it.

My gosh, my crow is high.


I arrived at the South-west as I pass by the trees, searching for the presence of the demon, I was informed that this demon use cards as a weapon, which I thought was funny, but who am I to judge.

I arrived at a space where the tree's seem to form a circle, I stopped at the middle and pay attention to my surroundings.

I then heard a rustle and snapped my head towards the sound, I unseathed my sword and got into stance.

"Reveal yourself, you filthy demon!" I demanded, I then heard a growl and looked over my shoulder, to see a demonic crimson eyes glowing through the darkness.

"As you wish..." The demon giggled, as it's eyes fade away in the darkness, I heard a thud in front of me as I flinch back at the sudden presence.

The demon is unsurprisingly tall, he's wearing a red coat and a black shirt underneath, A red bow is tied around his collar, His hair is a messy black, and I have to be honest, he's kinda.... Good looking..?

I snapped out of my thoughts as I saw a Jack card appear in front of me, the card surprisingly blink as it somehow disturbingly laugh at me and grabbed his spear.

All of a sudden the ground started to spin around, making me dizzy, the ground sent me to the other side of the forest, as I hear some thuds of running footsteps coming in my way.

I turn around and saw the Jack came out of it's card and started to rush towards me with it's spear.

I would slice the Jack's head off, but something tells me that I shouldn't...

I ran around the circle that is still spinning as the Jack chased me around the spinning circle, as the demon just looked at me with curiosity, and I could sense that he was testing me.

Testing me...

I realized how pathetic I was running away from a Jack card, I decided to stop running and just make a move already.

I ran through the opening of the card where the Jack left as it continue to chase me.

I went out of the opening, as the Jack ran through the space of the card, causing the Jack to come back to it's 2D card.

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