❤️Kamaboko Squad × Demon!Child!Reader "Greetings!"

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This is requested by toxicSeel

This is NOT P*dophilia

Just to let you all know, this has nothing to do with the KnY×Child!Reader series..

(M/n) = Mother's name.
(F/n) = Father's name.


Just pick ur age around 8-12 :D

3rd Person's POV

A family that consist two parents, An older son, A second older daughter, and the youngest son.

It was just a simple but happy family, their father was a Pillar in his past days, but was retired because of his new family, but even if he gave up his sword, he still teached his children how to hold and use a weapon.

He was determined that they will become great demon slayers in the future.

But one night, an unexpected visitor, came to ruin their moment...


The three siblings played together in their room, since it's night time, and they can't go outside.

They're playing 'Guess the word'.
Which it needs a board or a paper, and two components.

One of them is going to write a word on the board/paper and put it above the other player's head, and help them guess what's the word written above them.

The categories are:

-Existing name
-body part

The older brother write something on the board while the younger brother watch his two older siblings play, since he doesn't know how to play yet.
(Your Onii-chan is 13 btw..)

Once the older brother is done, he put the board above (Y/n)'s head, as she hold the board above her, to make sure it doesn't fall.

"Is it an animal?" (Y/n) asked, with a determined look.

"No..!" The older brother answered.

"Is it a name?"


"Hmmm.... Do I know that name..?"


"..........................Is it a girl name?"


"hmm... Oooooh~ is it Shinya~?"

(Heh... I used my friend's name... Hehehe... (͡°‿ ͡°))

"Ok you won..."

(Y/n) put the board down and it does says 'Shinya', then she started laughing.

"I knew it! You do like her!" (Y/n) teased pointing at his brother, who is a blushing mess.

"I don't like her like that!" The big brother defended back.

The little brother thought (Y/n) is bullying his older brother, so he whined and put (Y/n)'s pointing finger down.

"Guys! Dinner's ready!"

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