❤️Rui × Elder Sister!Reader "Holding His Hand."

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EDITED IN: 3/15/2022

Dang... It's so hard to draw Rui's hair, so I have to send in Spider Demon Reader to put it up to a ponytail...
(If that's even possible...)


Now... Give Rui the sister love that he deserved:


3rd Person's POV


A black haired boy stood on the snowy ground, watching the other kids playing and throwing snowballs at each other, Rui looked at them in awe as he attempted to approach them, unfortunately his other leg made him trip and fall face first on the snowy ground, causing him to cough.

He rolls up to face the sky, still laying on the snow, he sighed as he looked up at the blue, cloudy sky.

"Rui!" The familiar voice of his mother called as the sound of snow crunching approach closer, and closer to him.



"Rui, what are you doing?" The boy's mother asked in distress, as she kneel down to her son and carefully put a hand on his cheeks while Rui didn't take his eyes off the blue sky.

"You know you're not supposed to go outside!" The mother said, as she helped him up.

"You can go to Onee-chan if you want to play, ok?" His mother said, as she carried her son around her arms, Rui just sighed through his nose as he laid his head on his mother's chest, disappointed that he didn't get to experience any outside activities...

"Oh... Rui... You went outside?" The familiar sweet voice of his older sister sighed, as Rui turned his head to see a familiar girl with (H/c) locks and gorgeous (E/c) eyes.

"I'm sorry..." Rui apologize as the mother placed him in his elder sister's arms.

"(Y/n), please watch over him next time, ok?" Her mother said, slanting her brows.

"I will, Mama" The beautiful teen reassured her mother as she went inside the house, passing by the siblings.

"Rui, what did I tell you about going outside?" (Y/n) reminded, as she went inside the house, still carrying her younger brother as she closed the door behind her.

"I'm sorry Nee-chan..." Rui apologize again.

"You don't have to be sorry." (Y/n) told him as she laid him down on his futon.

"If you want to play, you could've told me! So... What do you want to do?" (Y/n) asked, sitting down beside her younger brother, Rui sighed as he looked out the window with a frown, (Y/n) noticed his gaze and shook her head.

"Instead of playing outside..." (Y/n) added, as she grabbed Rui's cheek and carefully turn it over to take his gaze off the window.

Rui just pouted, not knowing any games to play indoors.

"Ah, what about this?" (Y/n) said, making Rui lift his head up to look at his elder sister.

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