❤️Teen!Senjuro × Reader "Her Promise"

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Instant Manga Spoiler over here-
I'm very sorry Anime Onlys-

If you don't know who Senjuro is, he is specifically Kyojuro's little brother.

(Hopefully Senjuro's character isn't a major spoiler for you-)

!Minor Manga Spoiler!

(Senjuro's age set is 15 years old)

3rd Person's POV

Senjuro and (Y/n) are best friends ever since they were nine years old, and his elder brother knew that, Kyojuro told (Y/n) to accompany Senjuro while he's gone, which is what (Y/n) happily do.

Unfortunately, The sibling's father doesn't allow anyone nor (Y/n) to visit their household, Which made both Senjuro and (Y/n) sad.

Luckily there's a removable plank outside the fence of their home, so everyday (Y/n) would come and slide in a letter while Senjuro sat next to the plank and wait for (Y/n)'s attendance.

Senjuro has always read and keep (Y/n)'s letters, since (Y/n)'s supporting words and funny stories are the only source that is keeping Senjuro from giving up.

And there's also some days where Senjuro have the time to talk with (Y/n) on the other side of the fence, they couldn't have physical contact or see each other in any way, but they're happy that they could get to hear each other's voices.

And most importantly, they even have two rocks! One for Senjuro, and one for (Y/n).

Senjuro's rock is painted over a (F/c) color with (Y/n)'s name engraved on the rock.

While (Y/n)'s rock is painted over an orange color with Senjuro's name engraved on the rock.

They always kept their rocks in their pockets, those rocks are special, because they are their Friendship charms.

Yes, a rock.

Though... Years had passed, and (Y/n) finally joined the demon slayer corps, Which eventually took all her time to write letters for Senjuro, yes he was sad, but he was happy for her.

And then... The day have finally came that Senjuro can now join the demon slayer corps, He was longing to finally get freedom from the Rengoku household, and he really wanted to help his elder brother to slay demons and accomplish missions, and he also waited for so long to hold a sword.

And most importantly... He could finally reunite with (Y/n).


Senjuro has been the flame pillar's Tsuguko ever since, and he was really close to the same level of (Y/n)'s, and Kanao's level.

Right now, Senjuro is sitting on the porch of the Flame estate, trying to blow on a medium size gourd which Kyojuro told him to do before he left for a mission.

He was trying really hard, that he's about to suffocate any minute, until-

"SenSen!" A familiar sweet voice called, Senjuro stopped blowing on the gourd as he panted desperately for air as he laid a hand on his chest.

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