💜Murata × Reader "Why us, Specifically?" .1. (Im back bis)

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Im👌 is back now yas hi :D👋

It's been a long time, guys. I miss y'all :D Look at you, all grown up 😌

How are things yk? 👁️v👁️


Ok uhm- let me explain-

Yeah, I'm gonna admit... It's been like a decade since I've last updated.

The original plan was to continue publishing last summer, but I ended up doing nothing, and I apologize for that
•́ ‿ ,•̀
But really it's just me living my life, yk. Spend some time for myself, trying to get good grades, and stuff. But now, I'm ready to come back >: ) (And hopefully future Author wouldn't suddenly become a ghost after she said this)

I'm really sorry for suddenly leaving y'all
I kinda lost interest in Demon Slayer, but I don't wanna keep this book in the dust forever.
So I decided to write again and hopefully this one shot can make it up to y'all
I have a lot more stuff in the making, so hopefully I can finish them all to make y'all happy :D

As for the requests... I'm still having a writer's block for a specific request, and tbh Idk if I can finish it soon, but I want to make it a goal to finish it. I apologize for the requester for making you wait so long :(

But for now... I want to focus on my own ideas, if you guys don't mind :,)

ANYWAY- Sorry for the long intro adjapsjd


So! for this one shot, this is inspired by the plot of Your Name (Kimi no Na wa)
I'm sure y'all watched or heard of it before, but if you haven't, there might be some slight hints of spoilers of the movie, so I apologize for that ;_;
And the person I chose for this one shot is our gorgeous Murata. I was thinking of another character, but I decided to go with Murata because he's an underrated child.

Alright that's all! Also the reader is going to be gender neutral from now on so that anyone can read. I hope y'all don't mind :D

Alright, alright... Enough talk, Let the story commence 🏃‍♀️🏃🏃‍♂️

"Italic Dialogues" = Means they're speaking in Japanese.

"Bold Dialogues" = Means they're speaking in your language.
(If your language is Japanese, you can imagine the story into what you want it to be :])

"Normal Dialogues" = Means they're speaking in English.

Minus the 'Thinking Dialogues'

(Y/L) = Your Language
(Y/C) = Your Country

(This one shot is long as crap once again, so be ready y'all)
(It's been a long time since I've write Demon Slayer stuff, so if I made some mistakes, don't hesitate to point it out :D)


2nd person's POV

The sun peeked through the room of the earth before slowly awakening the slumbering. The famous singing and tweeting of the birds has been heard, waking up their little nestlings, and greeting the others a peaceful morning.

Although the Sun might've brighten the world quietly and peacefully. You were awoken by annoyance, you were definitely not a morning person. Even though your window was covered with a curtain, it still somehow made your dark vision an orange hue.

Demon Slayer X Reader ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now