Chapter 1

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"Guys! Guys!" Reggie said. It was 6:30 am, and Luke, Alex, And Bobby were still sleeping. Reggie repeated Guys!. They still didn't wake up. "I didn't wanna do this," Reggie said. He grabbed his bass, plugged the bass in, and played as loud as he could. The three boys jumped out of the foldable bed. It was 6:30 am on Friday. They did not have school on Fridays.

"the one day of the week when we don't have school, and you are still having us wake up at 6:30 seriously," Alex said, still half asleep.

"Yeah, we need to practice at noon. We have to record, duh," Reggie said. All the boys got up and changed for practice.

" Um Luke can I talk to you outside?" Alex said.

" Sure," Luke said.

" Is it fine if i stay here tonight? I got in a fight with my parents yesterday," Alex said.

" Sure, are u ok" Luke asked.

"Oh and I'm Gay," Alex said. Luke looked in his eyes and hugged him. " Don't tell Bobby or Reggie, I'm not ready," Alex said.

" Oh and i should probably tell u this, um I had a crush on u for a while, and looking at u play guitar with your sleeveless shirts did not help," Alex said. Luke hugged Alex." Come on I want you to see something," Luke. Luke walked to the other guys "Um guys, I like girls and boys. I can't pick one. I don't mind if I date a boy or girl," Luke said. Bobby and Reggie were shocked. " I'm Gay," Alex said.

" Come in," Reggie said Reggie hugged Luke and Alex Bobby joined. " We don't care if u like boys or girl or boys," Reggie.

" Anyways we show get ready.

By noon they were ready to go. On the way out, Luke stopped Alex and Reggie. "Um, I might have failed history, so no, I need a tutor. Alex could you tutor me?," Luke asked.

"Sure," Alex said. He started walking away.

"Oh um, Alex, do y-y-you go o-o-on a d-d-date........... A fake date yea.?" Luke said

Everyone looked at Luke. Alex nodded yes, then walking out to record. "Today beach 3:00p.m," Alex said. Luke Nodded.


Later that day, Alex and Luke were at the beach sitting on a blanket. Looking onto the waves. Luke was humming to Vision of Love by Mariah Carey. Alex caught on. "I have seen you dance to Mariah Carey before in the garage lip-syncing to her!" Alex said.

"shush, maybe I did but didn't tell everyone," Luke said


Luke pushed Alex. "Anyways, this has been fun. I like hanging out with you maybe we could you know do this again," Luke.

"I'd love to," Alex said. When they got back, Reggie and Bobby were not there. They left a note saying that they went to buy more picks. Luke and Alex had some alone time. Luke and Alex started writing a song. They came up with nothing.

When Reggie and Bobby came back from buying the picks, they started practicing because they would record again and 6: p.m.

On the way there, Reggie was wearing a leather jacket, Black jeans, and a red flannel sweater around his waist. Alex and a black hat backward, Fanny packs a pink sweater. Gold Chain Necklace and black pants.

Bobby was wearing the Same as Reggie, just no sweater around his waist. Luke has a beanie orange. Sleeveless shirt, And jeans.

Meanwhile, "Mom, Dad, please!!!! We haven't seen Alex since January. Can you guys please let him come to Christmas," Avery said.

"Fine, but if anything goes wrong, never again. 3

"yay I will go call him," said Avery Avery ran to her room and picked up the colorful clear phone. "Alex Alex!! guess

what you can come over to our house for Christmas they said yes!!!," Avery said on the phone, practically screaming.

Luke and Reggie were in the back eavesdropping. "Oh um yay, I will be there, but can I bring my friend?" Alex asked.

"Sure!!" Avery said, still happy not hearing what he said. Little did she know Alex's mom and dad wouldn't be okay with that.

"I'm going to my mom's and dad's for Christmas, and you can come," said Alex.

"Score, your mom has the best food," Luke said.

"I wanna come," Reggie said sadly.

"We can do our own thing, okay," said Bobby.

"Okay!" Said Reggie.


For christmas it was all decorated. The tree was fake. Alex and luke didn't know why Reggie liked Christmas so much. Alex stopped celebrating holidays after he left. Luke didn't like Christmas because last year he ran away during 4

Christmas. Bobby didn't really care. He just knew to be happy for Reggie. Reggie is like a golden retriever. He is always so happy and playful. Alex was the emotional one of the friend group. Luke is the one all the girls had crushes on and maybe guys like Alex. Bobby was boring and had nothing happening in his life. Ever since Bobby's dad died 2 years ago nothing was exciting in his life. Alex was anxious about Christmas Eve and what his parents would think of him and luke.


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