Chapter 64

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Reggie-What's up with you

Alex- WDYM

Reggie- It's like you date one person cheats on that person hooks up with the other

r person aka willie he dumps you and u just go hook up with Luke like what the hell

Alex- so

Reggie- you like a golddigger 

ALex- take that back 

Reggie- no it's true 

Alex- leave me alone

Alex walked out to find Luke

Luke- What's wrong

Alex- I need you please '

Luke- what happened

ALex- i need to lay down

Alex- My head hurts I feel like passing out it's getting hard to breathe.

Alex laid on Luke bed

Luke- you turning pale

person-911 what your emergency 

Luke- Idk what happening by boyfriend is currently laying on my bed and he is pale he can't talk  he's crying its getting hard to breathe for him

the got to his house

Perosn- does he smoke 

Luke- idk I will check in his bag

Luke- um yes? I found a pack of cigarettes 

Personn- We'll take hm to the hospital most likey it has to do with his addicted 

Luke- oh ok  he said tearing up 

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