Chapter 66

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Alex- Peer pressure I didn't want to smoke, to be honest, but Jason 

and his friends made me when I first did it I coughed after but then 

he made me do it again, and again I started liking it. Smoking became 

fun but now I realized I'm trying into my dad he smoked drank drugs etc

Luke- Well let's see I can help you stop the addiction because before you 

came to Loz Feliz School I used to smoke but Reg and Bobby stopped me 

Alex- really

Luke-yea i know what it feels like 

Stella-Same I used to smoke but my girlfriend stopped me 

Bobby- I used to do drugs but Stella stopped me so Alex you are not alone

Stella- U will always have friends who love you care about you and we all know 

the feeling of peer pressure we ALL fell for it and It might not have been the best 

path to go down  but we can change that and I think this is just u and me but we 

never thought we fit in I didn't like the scar on my neck but I learned to love it. Same for you

Alex- Thanks  Um can I talk to Stella alone.

Luke and Bobby left but We all knew they were eavesdropping

ALex- Thanks Thanks for everything for the advice I never thought i was important i was a dumb pos (Piece of Shit) 

Stella- same um I never showed anyone this scar 

she pushed her sleeve up 

Stella- I got this when i tried to end my life a month ago i also thought i was a pos 

Alex- thanks for connecting me 

Stella anytime.

Alex and Stella hugged. 

Stella- I better get going nice meeting you oh and you have a great boyfriend

Alex- peace and thanks

Luke- Alex are you ok 

Alex- Yea I just......Just........ Miss Avery. 

Luke- She will always be here. 

Luke- pulled Alex into a hug and gave him a hug on the head. 

Luke- She is always here 

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