Chapter 31

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" Um Luke can we talk," Alex said,

" I'm so sorry for cheating on u and all I did that was wrong but, for the next couple of days I will have to be with Avery Because my mom and dad won't come they don't even know," Alex said tearing up.

" I understand but when she is done for the day we can go to the garage and-," Luke started,

"only if Avery doesn't need me I love her and I don't want anything to happen to her," Alex said.

" I understand I will wait outside," Luke said. He kissed Alex on the cheek and left.

Luke went to the waiting room and looked around. A man came in he had brown hair and left his skateboard outside.

"Willie?" Luke asked.

"Luke?" Willie.

"What are u doing here?" Luke asked.

"Oh Im here to visit my moms," WillIe said. 

"Hey baby," Said Willie's Mom.

" Hey mom," Willie said.

"How mom doing,?" Willie asked.

"Not good the doctor wants us to say our goodbyes," Willie's mom said. 

"Im so sorry Luke I have to go," Willie said.

"It's fine," Luke said. 

Luke sat back down. He saw Alex come out of the room. Alex 

 sat next to luke and fell asleep on Luke's shoulder. 

Later Avery came with her I.V. 

"I love u hotdog," Avery said. She kissed Alex's head and went back to her room.

As the months came on Avery got sicker, until she faded away. Avery passed away. 

"The last thing Alex said to Avery was I love u," 

the last thing Avery said to Alex was" I love u"

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