Chapter 7

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"Shut up leave me alone," Alex said. At school Luke and Alex 

were being bullied ever since the Leaked Video. 

" Ew it's the gay people," Said Jason. 

" Shut the frick up Jason why do u even care,"

 Reggie said. 

Reggie punched Jason. 

" Ok ok I sorry," Jason said. 

"Thanks," Alex said .

" I do anything for u y'all are my best friends," 

Reggie said. Ever since Bobby saw the make out 

scene he didn't talk 2 the 3 of then 

The next day school was cancelled because it was raining hard. 

Unfortunately Alex got sick. He was laying in Luke's bed. 

"Feeling better Alex," Emily said.

Alex shook his head. "I'm gonna go to the store to get the 

stuff to make pozole," Emily said. 

"What pozole?" Luke asked. 

"It's a Mexican soup my mom would make it whenever I 

was sick, until I came out," Alex said. 

Alex said starting happy ending sad. When Emily came 

back she made the soup she gave Alex a bowl. 

"Mmm thanks," Alex said grateful

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"Mmm thanks," Alex said grateful. Out of nowhere when 

Luke and Alex were sleeping in the bed they heard a camera flash. 

They looked outside and someone took a picture of then sleeping.  

What a creep Alex thought. They ran outside to find the person taking the picture.

"Bobby," Alex said, 

"My dad wanted me to get pictures for the news," Bobby said. 

"U want a photo I will give u a photo," Luke said. He grabbed Alex and kissed him on the lips.

"And have it be called Sunset curve doesn't care about what y'all think of same gender dating!" Luke said. 

"What he said," Alex said smiling at Luke, Before  he brought him back into a kiss.

"I love Alex and he loves me I don't care about what y'all think," Luke said. And went back to making out. 

"I'm so sorry I didn't I well I," Bobby said,

" It's ok and if u don't mind we we'll be going back to bed," Alex said. 

Bobby nodded and left. 

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