Chapter 43

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The doctors came in. 

Doctor- We are going to do some tests so if u don't mind can u wait in the hallway

Luke- oh yea

He walked out.

He sat outside. 

He sat on a chair and whispered to himself all 

the things he would change " I called him a disappointment 

I wished he was never born" Why was I so dumb. He started crying he slowly 

fell asleep on a bench.

N/A- Hey hobo 

Luke- who said that.

N/A-Me u idiot 

Luke- Alex!! 

Luke gave him a big hug, and kissed him.

luke- Wait! What's on your arm is that a scar?

Alex- Oh this um it's nothing 

Luke- Tell me I am worried 

Alex- Nah it fine       

Luke- that's not good enough. 

Luke- I'm going to ask u one more time why is there a scar on your wrist.

Alex- When I was thinking of ending my life I tried cutting my wrists ok there u go

Luke's jaw dropped and brought him in another big hug. 

Reggie walked up. 

Reggie- what's going on

Alex- Nothing let's go 

They left the hospital.

When they got to the studio Alex plopped on the bed. Luke Jumped on top of him.



Reggie- OoOoOoOh Alex what's this?

Alex- NO don't open that.

Luke- Come on Mercer!

Luke- Grabbed it and started reading let's see " Alex Mercer meeting with the guidance counselor June/8/1994 we will talk about your depression and suicidal thoughts.

Reggie- What?

Alex- U know what scars they were from last week. When u kicked me out I tried to kill myself. 

School found out so now we need to talk to them.

Alex- I would get going um bye. 

Luke looked at Reggie. 

Reggie- why do I think he lying?

Luke- Because he is! u dummy

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