Chapter 5

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"Happy Birthday," Luke said. Alex was spending the night at Luke's house. Alex was sleeping. He didn't wake up when Luke said happy birthday. Luke grabbed Alex and started kissing him on the lips. Slowly Alex woke up and didn't stop the kiss. After like 3  minutes Alex pulled away thanks he said. Emily (Luke's mom) walked in. Alex and Luke quickly put a shirt on. Before she was in. And they got out of the cuddling position. " yes mom.." Luke said. 

"Well I was gonna- Alex hi what are u doing here," Emily said.  

" his parents Kicked him out when he came out as gay so maybe he can live here till he finds somewhere else," Luke said. 

" of course If u need anything we are here for u, I'm gonna go to the store ok y'all need anything? Emily said. 

"Thanks and nope," Alex said. Emily felt we could hear the garage door close so we knew she was gone.

Alex and Luke just cuddled for a while Alex rested his head on Luke's chest. Luke moved the hair from Alex's face and putting it behind his ear. Luke hugged Alex and Fell asleep. 

Emily came back. " um Luke?" Emily said as she walked in. Alex was startled that he fell on the floor. " I am so sorry," Alex said. 

" for what I don't mind if you love each other or if u guys date I will love u for who I am," Emily said. 

"Thanks, I wished my parents had such a supportive reaction," Alex said. For a second they both forgot Emily was there and hugged. Emily slowly left. An hour later dinner's ready yelled Emily. Emily told Mitch what happened (Mitch is Luke's dad). " thanks again," Alex said. Luke came out from the kitchen with a box inside was a cookie with rainbow frosting.

 Luke came out from the kitchen with a box inside was a cookie with rainbow frosting

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Aw thanks. After that Luke and Alex went to bed. "I love you they both said. They started kissing. The mom and dad walked in they, immediately stopped. " I'm am so sorry  for kissing your son, I didn't mean to it just came out," Alex said. 

Alex started hyperventilating. That involved into a cry. Again they forgot the parents were there. " look at me you will be ok," Like said as he hugged Alex and kissed him on the head. Slowly the hyperventilating went down. " it is ok y'all are dating and Alex u don't need to apologize," 

The next day when Emily came I to wake them up They were cuddling Alex was on Luke's chest and Luke was awake Fidgeting with a rubixs cube. He made a shh 🤫 signal Alex moved to hug luke. Ok Emily mouthed the words. Alex finally woke up "have I told u how cute u are with a sleeveless shirt on," Alex asked. 

"No," Luke said.

"Well u are," Alex said

"We should start going," Alex said. 

"Yea," Luke said 

"Reggie and Bobby are waiting," Alex said.  

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