Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Alex had never seen Christmas lights so Luke decided to change that. Luke went to Alex's house and he couldn't go through the front door because his parents were there. He climbs the ladder leading to Alex's room. He was admiring how cute Alex looked doing his homework. He knocked on the door making Alex jump out of his seat. "What r u doin," Alex said.

"Pls let me in," Luke said.Alex opened the window when Luke jumped in he fell on Alex. Luke couldn't stop looking at Alex, his eyes and his lips.Alex did the same. Luke grabbed Alex's face and leaned in. Before they could kiss the window shut. They quickly got up. Luke told how he wanted to take him to see the lights. They had so much fun that day. " We are late for practice," Luke said. They made it and started practicing.

On Christmas eve, Luke and Alex got ready, nothing fancy, just their everyday clothes. "So, do your parents know?" Luke asked.

"know what?" Answered Alex.

"Um, you know this," Luke said, pointing at Alex and him.

"No, only Avery, or at least I think she does," Alex said.

"oh okay, um, I guess we should go," Luke said. 6

As they walked to Alex's house, it was dark, only lit with Christmas lights. It wasn't the prettiest street but wasn't the ugliest street. As Luke rang the doorbell, they were both nervous. What would Alex's parents think of this?

As the door creaked open Alex's mom and dad came out. "Hi, Alex, long time no see," Alex's mom said.

"Hi, and I'd like y'all to meet my um new um um riend," Alex said.

"oh!" Alex's mom and dad said in unison. There was a long silence. After the long silence, Avery decided to talk." So Alex, Come in. Dinner's ready,'. Alex and Luke both came in and went to the dinner table. They started to eat. Again there was a long silence, and again Avery broke the silence. "So how is the band goin," Avery said. "Good, so we recorded Now or Never today, and tomorrow we are gonna record again," Alex said. Luke nodded with his mouth filled with food after the dinner was over again a silence.

"Oh, before yall leave, can I show you and Luke something?' Avery said.

"Yea, we have time," Alex said.

"Yay!!" Avery said. As they walked through the hallway to Avery's room, there were a lot of awards. Avery 7

Class president, Avery Student of the month, Principal lists, we could tell that Avery was smarter and the favorite. No one mentioned it, though. When they walked by Alex's old room, the door was closed. A sign "Off-limits."

Then there reached Avery's room. The door was wide open Posters of Sunset Curve. "So Luke, this is my room, and I have something to show yall," Avey said.

She went to a box labeled Secret. The package was old. When she opened it There were four milk caps. "So um Luke, here you go. I made these for you and Reggie, and Bobby. I brought plain ones and painted the Sunset Curve logo. On the back, I wrote the names of Reggie Bobby and well you Luke," Avery said.

"Thanks, Avery I can't believe you used your time to know this," Luke said. Avery just smiled. "Oh and Alex, I did the same, but on the back, I engraved "I Love You Alex From Avery,"" said Avery with a smile.

"Thanks," Alex said. And I got this for u," Alex said. He gave Avery a Tammogoti and a polaroid camera. "What,

but these were sold out. Thanks so much," Avery said, so happy. She hugged Alex. It looked like Luke was crying. It was funny. Avery asked Luke if he could take a 8

picture of her and Alex. He did. If he didn't, I would have probably hunted him down and kill him. Okay, maybe just not the Killing part. Too violent. Also, I would get arrested anyway u know what I mean.

The night was a bust. Maybe I should have listened to what Alex was saying. Anyway, I got a cool Xmas gift. I just wished Mom and dad were happy. They were silent the whole night. After Alex and Luke left, Mom and dad went to Bed. I honestly didn't know why they went to Bed so early. It was barely 10 pm, and I stayed awake till like 3 am. I was playing with my Tamagotchi.


The Next day was Christmas. We didn't do anything at all. I mean at all. No presents under the tree or in the stocking. We hadn't celebrated Christmas since Alex left. I was planning to Pass by The boy's place and bring leftovers, then go skateboarding at the skatepark. I got the bags of leftovers and went to their place. Since I was only 13, I got on my skateboard. Mom and Dad weren't talking to me Because of what had happened. 9


When I got there, they were playing Now or Never.

"So um, Alex Sry about last night I Brought leftovers, and I wanna get away from all the drama. Can I live here for a while," Avery said.

"Okay, first of all, thanks, and yes, u can stay here," Alex said

"I talked to 2 Reggie. He spills the tea just sayin," Avery said.

"Oh, and remind me never to tell him a secret," Avery said.

"Okay, That makes sense," Alex said.

The next day Alex and Luke were in the garage. They were laying on the bed. Cuddling talking about what pizza is best. Alex pushed luke off the bed when Luke said Pineapple is bad on pizza. Luke grabbed him down too. Bobby walked in.Alex stood up quick. ALex's hair was all messed up. " What are you doing here?!," he asked. 

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