Chapter 50

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Luke- What is Willie doing here!

Alex- I was at his house because

Willie- DId u tell him

Alex- No

Luke- tell me what

Alex- Nothing me and Willie were working on a project before I came here.

Luke- Can I see it

WIllie- Nah I left it at my house.

Reggie- Willie what's on your neck

Willie- This um this is a bruise I hit my neck

Bobby- It looks a lot like a hickey. 

Luke- Alex u also have one.

Alex- this was the one u gave me 

luke- a week ago

Alex- it never went away?

Luke- I am asking u one time are u and Willie seeing each other?

Alex- No

Willie- Alex are u coming after practice to "work on the project"

Alex- yes

Luke- your lying

Alex- What

Luke- u are lying why

Alex- I am nit no matter what u say

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