Chapter 51

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-At Willie's house-

Willie- when are u gonna tell them


WIllie- dude this has been going on for 2 months! u have to tell him u are meeting me and hanging out also u made love with me multi[pe times so yea tell HIM!

Alex-I hate it when u are right. I tell him when I get home.

Willie- U better

-At home with Luke-

Alex- hey babe

Luke- what up

ALex- can I talk to u 

Luke- No your dumping me and I not good enough he started fake crying

Luke- sure what u need

Alex- I... I...... I wanted to tell u I really love u and your cute. ANd there is nothing going on between me and WIllie I would rather be with u all the time.

Luke-AWW i love u too

Alex- U wanna go on a date of friday

Luke- I'd love that.

The next day at Willie

WIllie- HEY babe did u tell him?

Alex- no I couldn't he looked so cute I just couldn't break his heart 

Willie- Really ugh if u did tell him was gonna say we could make love now u don't have a boyfriend.

ALex- YES please can we please make love it'll make me feel better. WAY better

Willie- i know it will

Alex- please

Willie- I would say no BUT I was really good and fun last time so I guess. we could

ALex- THanks I love u so much\

Alex on to Willie. He was on the bed

Willie- Oh we are starting already.

Alex was on top of Willie.

Alex- I love you

Willie- I love you

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