Chapter 56

41 2 9

At the Job

Alex- Hey Luke

Luke- hey Alex 

Alex- Wanna go hangout im on break

Luke- Yeah I think there is a Starbucks across the street

Alex- Ok perfect im just gonna go changed, 

Luke- I will wait outside. 

Alex went to changed. in the employee's room. 

Alex- Hey cutie

Willie- Hey babe 

Alex- wanna hang out later after my break when I am done at 6 pm.

Willie- OK babe 

Alex kissed Willie on his lips. 

Willie- Where are u going.

Alex- gonna go to Lunch

Willie- Can I come 

Alex- tomorrow I'm hanging out with the band 

Willie- Oh ok anyways bye and love u babe

Alex- Love u too babe. Willie kissed Alex's cheek

He walked away 

Alex- Let's go Luke

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