Chapter 40

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Alex went to spend the night at the studio.

As he walked in Reggie was laying on the couch.

Alex-What are u doing here?

Reggie-I left my parents so I came here, u

Alex-Luke kicked my out cuz he saw Willie kiss me. 

Reggie-oh So u wanna talk about something 


Reggie-I'm bisexual Can we talk about boys.

At Luke's house at dinner.

Emily-where's Alex?

Luke-we are on non speaking terms 


Luke- cheated on me with a boy named Willie in our class

Emily-did he kiss him or?

Luke-yea kiss

Emily-did Alex kiss Willie or did Willie kiss Alex there is a difference did u kick him out or

Luke-yea I kicked him out and might have said I wished he was never born and that he is a disappointment to the Mercer.

Emily- Lucas Paul Patterson why would u say that u were his only

 friend when he moved from Pennsylvania, u were with him when

 he came out to u, u probably made him feel like a piece of sh*t, 

he has been through so much and this didn't help it. He has depression, 


Luke I didn't know what I was thinking I was just pissed off.

Emily-go talk to him


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