Chapter 38

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"Psst psst, Alex Alex," Willie said. 

"I'm taking a test," Alex said.

"Do u have a pencil," Willie.

Alex passed him a pencil. 

"Thanks," Willie said.

Alex nodded.

"Mr. Mercer are u cheating," The teacher said.

"No I was just asking if I could have a pencil," Willie said.

"Yea right Alex F," The teacher said.

"But I wasn't cheating!" Alex said.

"Are u talking back to me," The teacher said. 

Alex sighed. "No," He said. 

It was lunch. 

"Im am so sorry," Willie said.

"It fine it might just prevent me from going to a good college but other than that it is good," Alex said with sass. 

" I would never do that on purpose," Willie.

"Well u did it," Luke said. 

"can i talking to u privately," Willie asked.

"Sure," Alex said. 

Alex and Willie walked by the lockers,

"I would never do that to u I love u," Willie said. Luke followed them.

"But I-," Alex started but what cut off by a kiss on the lips. 

"ALEX!"Luke yelled.

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