Chapter 63

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Willie- Hey Alex you forgot your homework at my house

Alex- Thanks babe

Alex gave him a kiss on the cheek

Luke- Oh um Hi Willie. 

Willie- Hey! um what happened to Reggie

Bobby- Hey Willie Reggie had a panic attack 

Willie- Reggie are you ok? 

Luke- He is OK you can leave now!

Luke stood in front of Willie blocking him,

Alex- Luke calm down

Alex- I will be right back babe

Willie- Ok babe

Alex pulled Luke

ALex- What is the matter with you.

Luke- I don't trust him

Alex- U have trust issues

Luke- no I don't 

Alex- I love willie please trust me.

Luke-Fine but in advance I told you so 

Alex rolled his eyes 

ALex- is there practice

Luke- No we are are worried about Reggie

Alex- ok come babe let's go

Willie- COming

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