Chapter 28

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"Let's tell each other secrets to learn more about each other," Willie said.

"oh yeah sure," Alex.

" I'll go first, Um let's see I have a sister, and I have never kissed a boy," Willie said,

" Um a couple of months ago I was thinking about ending my life, I was very depressed, and I thought there was no point in life so I was gonna kill myself," Alex said starting to cry.

"I'm so sorry," Willie said. 

Willie hugged Alex. 

" Im sorry u went through that but please don't ever again think about killing yourself ever again I love you," Willie said. 

" let's not keep secrets from each other," Willie said.

Alex knows he was keeping a secret too. 


Alex broke the hug gtg bye.

"Wait who is Luke," Willie asked by Alex was already out the door. 

Alex ran 2  the rehearsal garage. Layed on the couch and started crying.

" I can't do this anymore," Alex said. 

" Can't do what," Luke said. 

we jumped down from the balcony type thing. 

" Luke I have been secretly meeting someone I have been cheating, " Alex said.

" U cheated on me with who Willie," Luke asked.

" not exactly I started liking him but I like u better, so I guess I was cheating on Willie with u, oh and I told him something I never told u" Alex said, 

" What?" Luke asked.

" Um a couple of months ago I was thinking about ending my life, I was very depressed, and I thought there was no point in life so I was gonna kill myself," Alex said.

"\Luke began to cry so much.

"What really please I am so glad u didn't but why didn't u tell me," Luke said.  

"I didn't tell u because I was worried about nothing," Alex said.

Luke hugged Alex I love u, Alex said.

" I love you more," Luke said.

He planted a soft kiss on Alex's Lips.

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